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Everything posted by Poryy

  1. Because the black hole would have to orbit Kerbol and the orbits would be ridiculous. Also, the sheer amount of space in... Space required for a star is too large for it to orbit anything else.
  2. V.11 Added WIP Gas Giant to Poltuara Pack Fixed Limas and Jipotis (Put them back into Poltuara) Bugggg fixesssss
  3. Corvus? That could cause some compatibility issues. Do you mind renaming it? The game really does not like planets with the same name. If you really like the name, don't worry, I'll rename my Corvus.
  4. Post your KSP headcanon here. Headcanon on why Kerbals don't require food, what you think they eat, and how their ships work go here. Headcanon: Kerbal Military Power: My theory is that Kerbals never progressed beyond basic gunpowder weaponry, and focused all of their tech onto space flight very early in their development. Evidence of this is present in rover wheels. Kerbals probably never invented treads because they have never had a war that needed tracked armored vehicles (Tanks) Kerbals are also a very peaceful species, with a variety of names suggesting a lack of nation borders. This can also be observed in-game. A kerbal named Bob can sit right next to a kerbal named Sigly. The variety of names in a single small area (KSC) displays a lack of nations on Kerbin.
  5. I must congratulate you on your terrain. Please PM me if you want to talk about teaming up.
  6. Kerbals are living memetic control agents!
  7. Please PM me with exactly what you are asking. You are the Boris system creator, right?
  8. "Hey littlebella! Do you want some water? No, Don't jump up there! The keyboards is not for cats!" My monitor was then blocked out by fur. The bad thing was I was landing a rover on Vall.
  9. ...well then... Manai is much further away in my test save. Bug?
  10. Lumina's Pallor is not a Libec. That's a hint at V.11
  11. I pulled Limas and Jipotis from the current release because of a error that prevented loading. Verviedi is the Abaddon folder. Verviedi orbits Abaddon. It's only called the Verviedi pack because it's based off of some short stories I wrote.
  12. I think I remember you from IC2 forum. I was enderwraithguard. On a related note: I don't blame you. Abaddon takes up a lottttt of memory.
  13. Where's Kerbal Universe? Verviedi, Verion, Poltuara, and Manai. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67147-0-23-The-Kerbal-Universe-Project-GP2-Release%21/page7 You missed a lot.
  14. Update 2/18: Updated OP to reflect changes made in V.10
  15. To all you asking why Aramon is white-red colored, it's because the proper texture couldn't be found. Try starting a new save.
  16. My Helios Plan involves launching five ships to colonize Laythe, Duna, Minmus, Vall, and Eeloo. Try colonizing another celestial body. It's fun starting with a little base and eventually giving it ion bikes and SSTOS. Try role playing with the colonies, like needing to send a new "food container" (Empty Hitchhiker) every 5 years.
  17. I have no idea why. I don't use FAR, so it could take a while for me to download it and test it
  18. "Crazy story, huh guys?" Sigly said after repeating what had happened the last night. He chuckled weakly, but stopped when he saw everyone else staring at him, mouths open in shock. "Stop." A quiet voice spoke up through the stunned silence. The Captain stood up. "We aren't ready for first contact. Prepare to return to Kerbin. Andan, run the last tests. There was never any life here, got it?" "But Sir..." Andan began. "Stop it. We are DONE with this mission. I don't care how you fix the data, just make it look good." "No. You're done. You clearly have no idea how important this mission is to the rest of us. You've done nothing but moan and complain for 3 months. I am proclaiming you unfit for command under KEF edict ten-ninety-two." "I... I..." "Chief Engineer, remove this sorry specimen from my sight. This mission will continue." Ronbart Kerbwin, KEF ensign, panicked. He kicked Sigly aside and reached for the revolver he carried under his tunic. He raised it and in one deft gesture shot Andan. But Ronbart was no longer carrying the gun. Andan, with a practiced arm used skill gained from a thousand tests and dissections to snatch it. He spun it around, and with a colossal *BOOM* The .44 bullet smashed through Ronbart's face. Andan looked down at the sad corpse of the disgraced captain. "Dismissed, ensign." Palinev screamed in pain as the psychostigmatic wound appeared on his forehead. Only the numbers comforted him, and he stumbled out the door towards the exit of his home. He prepared to run, and stopped. The wound in his forehead was shrinking before his eyes, blood reversing it's course against gravity to flow back into his veins. Within a minute, he was completely healed. He took off in a sprint towards the spaceport.
  19. Load your save with Abaddon disabled, then load it again with Abaddon enabled. I think it's Fonn that's bugged, and I tested it and it worked.
  20. Because I played that game for an hour without the Konami code. The current name is Jipotis.
  21. CHAPTER TWO: The Krakensbane came out of Lightspeed with a sound like tortured metal. The lights flickered once and turned on. The primary engines activated, pushing the venerable ship into an intercept course with it's target. "Alright. Listen up. Our target is a planet called Terrue. We have achieved intercept course. Sigly. Start transmitting the test pattern. Andan, start sciencing. Sonbo, start navigating." Ronbart shut his mouth and moved a meter, allowing the crew to make their hasty exits from the central hab. Sigly began to set up the high-gain antenna. He unspooled a length of wire and plugged it in, then stepped backwards. Andan was standing behind him. "What is the 'test transmission' Ronbart was talking about?' "Kerb! It's just a sequence of numbers. Emm... 43179284116." "That's what I thought." Said Andan, and left the Engineering sphere. The transmission started. The numerical sequence played in all directions, traveling further and further each milisecond. A transmission was received back. "cine esti tu? de ce ești pe această frecvență?" "Greetings from Kerbin. We are Kerbals. We are peaceful." "Repet, de ce folosind acest canal?!? confirma identitatea!" Sigly shouted in exhilaration. "Yes!" This was it! He had found alien life! Would they be like the comics? Would they...? A figure appeared near him, ripping a hole in time and space. The figure held out it's hand and Sigly looked at it, unsure of what to do. "I am Palinev." The figure explained in perfect Kerbalese. "They cannot hear you. The time is not right. Remember this, Sigly Kermol. All actions have consequences." Reality warped and twisted along some fundamental line, using time itself to open a space between universes. The figure disappeared, leaving nothing but a sharp stink of ozone. Palinev returned to his dream, the numbers flowing through his head like a flood. 43179284116. 43179284116. 4317928411643179284116. The figure on his dream turned directly towards him. "Remember, Irsain Palinev, all actions have consequences. Reality warped and twisted along some fundamental line, using time itself to open a space between universes. Sigly Kermol disappeared, leaving behind only a sharp stink of ozone. Palinev sat up, thrashing as blood poured from his nose onto the gray carpeted floor.
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