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Everything posted by cfds

  1. Oh yes, so much this. There should be three "types" of engine: - First stage engine, optimised for atmosphere: smallish bell, because of this a high TWR - Vacuum engine: heavy high expansion bell -> high vacuum ISP, bad(ish) TWR - Lander engine: Low profile, pays with both badish ISP and TWR
  2. "Automatic welding" could even provide a compromise between LEGO and procedural: - Build a tank from (for example) 0.5m segments, the whole tank becomes a single part as far the physics are concerned. - Build an engine from a basic core (fuel pumps and burn chamber), a nozzle (light and low expansion for lower stage engine, heavy and high expansion for upper stage engine) and an optional gimbal module. Kind of "clicking the modules together".
  3. Well, for the case that KSP actually wins a trophy, will it be send in parts to the people that actually make it playable, e.g. the modders?
  4. Whenever I see stock fairings used in videos (I use procedural fairings), I cannot shake the feeling that SQUAD implemented them as a strawman to show how bad procedural parts are: "See what you get when you want procedural parts? How it is all glitchy and not reproducable? So stop asking for procedural parts." On the other hand, this would accuse SQUAD of doing actual planning and for that there is no evidence at all...
  5. The most common monopropellants, hydrazine and hydrogen peroxide, decompose exothermically when they come into contact with some catalyst. One can argue that monopropellant and catalyst react hypergolically, but a single compund cannot be hypergolic, as noted above.
  6. To me this looks just like an attempt to hide that only two of the n persons featured in the "old" dev notes did actually develop the game...
  7. You have to love economic reasoning. SQUAD is earning money from people that buy the game, not from people playing it. So why improve the game when you can just improve sales by dumping your unfinished stuff on another platform?
  8. Looks like your standard Bistr-O-matic drive...
  9. The problem with this is that, without human interference, the temperate regions of the planet will probably densely forested. Doesn't make landing really easy....
  10. The reason is that both objects fall towards their common centre of mass. If the test mass is much smaller than the mass of the body we are standing on, this centre of mass is very much identical to the centre of mass of the bigger body. If both objects have similar mass that changes drastically.
  11. Wait, there are actually people who want the barn? The one that looked like being clicked together in half a day from a five year old assets library?
  12. I tried it in 1.0.2 and it worked without a hitch.
  13. CKAN seems to generally have problems discriminating versions 1.0.x from 1.0.y. For obvious reasons I continue with version 1.0.2 at the moment and CKAN recognizes this correctly. It nontheless wants to install ProceduralFairings 3.15 which is the 1.0.4 version. Other mods seem to have the same problem.
  14. A further reason for the Apollo-style moon landings in the real world is the engines. Contrary to what SQUAD makes you believe, good transfer vehicle engines and good lander engines are not the same. The first ones are build for high Isp which means a large nozzle. They must be started a handful of times at worst, do need no throttle control and are not limited by TWR concerns. A lander engine needs to have a low profile and provide some minimum TWR. Additionally you probably want to have a large throttling range and / or arbitrary restart capability.
  15. Hello. Since the generic exponent for modules for all element is pretty inflexible I tried to use a values list like in the example in the old thread: MODULE { name = ModuleEngines maxThrust = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } I attached it via MM to the LV T-45 with the result that the thrust of the engine was not changed at all, it was 200 kN in every size. Is this feature still supported and if yes, just how do I get it to work?
  16. I started the game after a few weeks and all teh ribbons of my kerbals have vanished. Did the saving change with some update recently? [Edit] Is there a complete documentation of the FinalFrontierHallOfFameEntry codes so that I can merge the missions from the persistence file and an oder quicksave by hand?
  17. I have a problem with updating some of DMagic's mods: it seems like ckan tries to update mods from the "recommends" list and then fails when they are not installed. Is this a ckan problem or on DMagic's side?
  18. -3.40282347E+38 is -FLOAT_MAX, the smallest single precision float number on common systems. Looks like an unused/uninitialized variable to me.
  19. Is there any reasons to provide these 20 Kerbals? It is not like you could't recruit additional ones when you need more. Or are these shared between the players?
  20. Just a heads up: I tried a multiplayer career game with a friend today and on every reconnect there were 30 vessels synced and in the astronaut complex appear 20 active Kerbals (plus ten recruits). Together with the 5 Kerbal hard limit of the complex, this lead to many problems: The recovered Kerbals were moved to the "missing" slot or were outright killed. Dismissing the surplus Kerbals works only until the next sync.
  21. I second the wish for an icon in the stock toolbar. Having to stop/start a scan to access the map gets old fast.
  22. There are some mods out there that provide a certain control over attachment nodes, Procedural Fairings is the prime example. Perhaps it is possible to switch on an interior attachment node via the right-click menu that way?
  23. I greatly enjoy your Mod for adding pacing to the game. (I am on day 400 and have not landed on Minmus yet. Normaly that mission starts on day right after the Mun landing on day one). I also have a small wish: would it be possible to give the launchpad multiple slots (with upgradable restoration speed and mass limit)? This would enable some separation between big lauches, routine resupply missions and quick launches of miniature satellites .
  24. Does grabbing to an asteroid work now? Scott Manley reported problems in this regard.
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