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Everything posted by cfds

  1. The best solution would just be to doing away with this pointless "cannot activate while being stowed" check. The game does not prevent activating an engine while it is clipped inside a crew capsule or opening a solar panel that would intersect with a fuel tank. Why should fairings and cargo bays behave in another way. I know that it is an "intentional game design decision" but so was the souposphere and the infinite thrust RCS thruster.
  2. You seem to remember the chapter of "A short history of time" incorrectly. A "blank slate" is not a state of maximum order. Recording information means to fight against entropy, that wants to return the recording medium into a random state (by flipping bits or fading the colour on the paper or smudging the chalk). To record information, you have to locally increase the amount of order, the energy expenditure increasing entropy somewhere else. Your conclusion is correct, though. Consciousness has to move in the same direction inn that the entropy increases.
  3. Did something change since I studied physics? Five years ago MAssive Compact Halo Objects were suspected to be located in the galactic halo (to provide this observed additional spherical mass distribution), so looking in the Oort Cloud would not help a lot...
  4. cfds


    Trying to make selling all community related stuff to Curse more palatable?
  5. [quote name='Jovus']Sure. A rod is rotating with a certain frequency omega in a vacuum chamber. Air is introduced to the chamber. As a (very!) rough approximation, air resistance is modeled as F = bv + cv^2 For friction specifically; A wheel is rotating with a certain angular momentum L, frequency omega, mass m. Its bearings are frictionless, it's in a vacuum, etc. Then sand gets in the bearings, so they suddenly exert a frictional force modeled by F = kv, where v = omega x r, the radius of the wheel. Or apply brake pads to the outside, sure. Yes, I'm aware the pads will pick up some momentum, but as far as I can see angular momentum is only conserved in this case if you assume the condition of no slippage (which is the angular equivalent of an elastic collision, for these purposes). As a simple proof that we already know in classical mechanics that angular momentum is not conserved when subjected to nonconservative forces, put a rotating electron in a magnetic field. The angular velocity changes. (In this case it doesn't change in magnitude, but it does change in direction.)[/QUOTE] Non conservative forces mean that the energy (linear or angular) is not conserved, it does not help with momentum. A totally inelastic collision still preserves (linear) momentum. Physical background: Conservation of linear or angular momentum is a consequence of invariance under translation or rotation respectively while conservation of energy is a consequence of invariance under shifts in time. Friction does not destroy the invariance under spatial translations and rotations, but that under translations in time.
  6. Except that air friction does not cause heating...
  7. Actually, the whole purpose of engine fairings is to connect the lower stage to the upper stage since engines themselves make poor structural parts. If people want to have a bulge halfway along their rocket that connects two 1.25m stacks around a 2.5m engine, why stop them?
  8. Since KSP is the poster child for memory leaks, this garbage collector seems be, well, garbage. Or does the garbage collection only happen in the GUI classes and the memory leaks are written by SQUAD in C++ in the more basic code?
  9. I still do not understand why they use a garbage collector at all. What is wrong with just writing clean code?
  10. That was the first application that I thought of when I read thread (although mainly as an option in the editor). @Red Iron Crown: The Skipper in VSR does have differently sized nodes and I guess Ven would gladly change the node sizes when such an option is implemented.
  11. Because hiding the magically changed physical parameters is so far better than just having the magical changes... The fundamentals are pretty clear: Orbits are determined by the gravity of the centre body of the current SoI. In this case, orbits are stable when they are outside the atmosphere. That atmospheric drag can only be applied to the active vessel is a limitation of the game engine an really not that a great problem since you can still deorbit stuff by just hopping aboard. The fact that time does not play any role in the stock game is a pity, but that's what mods are for. Just not using pilots at all is a far better solution than "Jeb sitting in the cockpit changes the laws of physics" (as Kuzzter taught us, only engineers have this ability). And just requiring a pilot on board for some contracts is a viable and not drastic solution.
  12. passinglurker, the reasons why changing the ISP based on pilot level is stupid has been done to death in the forum, so please stop selling it as a solution.
  13. That would fix the problem to get the "right" node to attach for sure.
  14. Simple answer: your laptop has the faster CPU. The bottleneck in KSP is the physics calculation that is single threaded
  15. The problem is that for an inclination change with an impulsive manoeuvre, the direction is neither in the original nor in the target orbit parallel to the normal/anti-normal axis. There is in both cases a contribution along the prograde/retrograde axis.
  16. Hmm, could you replace the [Physics] tag with something more appropriate like [semantics] or [Poetry]? With your argumentation, I have an infinite amount of money because I have some now and some lest Friday and some on every infinitesimal moment in between.
  17. I doubt that anyone can agree with Alshain's "This feature is redundant, there is the revert button" unless they - never have more mission than one - never experience crashes or interruptions that require closing KSP And even in that case I cannot believe that these (lucky?) few would fly their proposed Laythe lander to Laythe once for every design iteration, especially since the stock game does not provide a working function to warp to SoI changes / manoever nodes.
  18. It depends on scale: You want to power your smart phone: Photovoltaics You want to power bigger electric devices: Stirling engine You want to power an industrial plant: steam turbine
  19. But they could mitigate it by not moving the centre of mass when no external forces are acting upon the ship. Just keep the ship on the rails until a thruster fires.
  20. Would I pay for a game that marries KSP and RO? Probably. Would I pay SQUAD to do it? Only after long and extensive testing of the released product...
  21. I believe there is a ContractConfigurator mod that does the whole "techtree by missions" way that you describe. I planned to have a look at it but something always comes up.
  22. It did sound a lot like she said that the Soviet Union was an axis power... And von Braun did not go into the US because it was "less likely that his rockets would be used as weapons" but because it was less likely that he would be hanged as a SS officer (after he build his rockets)...
  23. Since you mentioned the Engineer's Report where the only correct information is the part count: Do you really want to have SQUAD implement this? The best case scenario is that it will not interfere with KER...
  24. The problem is that SQUAD follows the "new Lego way" of "you can use this nice part in exactly one way or it would look extremely stupid". Think about all the engines (each fits exactly one tank size) and all the cool options you have for tip of a Mk2 spaceplane...
  25. Well, my only hope for the new antenna behaviour is that it does not interfere with Remotetech. The proposed model sounds like too much for people who do not want do deal with antennas and far to little for those who use Remotetech (if only for the flight computer ).
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