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Everything posted by theattackcorgi

  1. where do you get all these lol inducing fan arts?
  2. Oh no, another thousand lives were banned to hell!
  3. A Sandvitch cause i can eat it at full health forever and it regens! Edit: Mrpample your post creeped me out and made me happy at the same time O_o)
  4. On a cold winter morning In the time before the light In flames of death's eternal reign We ride towards the fight Read more: Dragonforce - Through The Fire And Flames Lyrics | MetroLyrics For the what song thread
  5. Ive done that. Failed every time. I cant even get to the damn moon over 10 saves and dozens of ships without hyperedit.
  6. Oi, Don you talk about my mother that way, mate. Il have you know i can get your knickers in a twist!
  7. Stanley walked through the hidden fourth door, knowing it was the incorrect one and one he shouldn't be using.
  8. I move in with you and slowly take over as your annoying room mate My hill.
  9. Stanley walks out in a third world country and sees the damage he has done. There is nothing there but a hole where a country used to be.
  10. Did anyone realize how sad mine was? And it was a analogy of my life no friends......
  11. Granted, but its the next Duke Nukem Forever I wish society wasnt forcing me to like MLP as well.
  12. I bring Rainbow Dash(youtube refrence) Mai hill now.
  13. Still alive On a cold winter morning In the time before the light In flames of death's eternal reign We ride towards the fight
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