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Everything posted by theattackcorgi

  1. Hey Spartwo can we ally? first add me to the companies list please. And i need some ships and yours are cool. so
  2. Oh Hey. How are you holding up? CAUSE IM A POTATO! cant believe you didnt do this one ^
  3. Try this its tasty i swear the **** video is
  4. 9/10 True, I only began super poster like 3 days ago.
  5. Hey Spartwo add me to the list. go pack like 30 pages for the animated corgi and whatnot.
  6. 0/10 never see you did i ninja you?
  7. 10/10 Damn San i see you too much.
  8. I bombard your hill with endless waves of HEYAHYEAHYEAHYEAH. You die of insanity Mah hill
  9. Well, I woke up to go get me a cold pop Then I thought somebody was BBQing I said, "Oh, lord Jesus it's a fire!" Then I ran out, I didn't grab no shoes or nothing Jesus I ran for my life
  10. Well should have told me before hand shouldnt we? got to listen to 10 hours of sweet brown to erase this memory.
  11. I go and build another hill my hill
  12. Granted, but it backfires and kills you I wish i never watched trf music video
  13. Called it. And no more creepypasta for me ever ever ever.
  14. So true I am now angry at mrpample cause i watched trf music video. God...........
  15. Just watched the rainbow factory music video.... I hate you sooooooo much right now
  16. True The user below me understands that a Corgi brain cant get every single reference.
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