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Everything posted by theattackcorgi

  1. ugggg. >_< read the readme and ffs spartwo your the one who suggested the mod.
  2. Granted, but all you can remeber is furries I wish for a pancake.
  3. OK. for real read the readme in the zip folder and someone make a serrver
  4. Someone figure out how to host. I want to just run around in my buggy since i cant make missiles and stuff. I made a big rover with some anti personal stuffs.
  5. that wont work. You have to set it up a specific way. read the readme in the download thing
  6. True The user below me is a pony.
  7. Disposes of your hill with a elite Marines corp. My fortified hill
  8. Nah. There is chat in the mod. And i think were all on steam?
  9. I come back from the dead and eat you my hill
  10. Lol. I like the pony twitter photo. The one dudes like rainbow factury????? HUR DUR DUR!
  11. Well, yeah. You wanted to test that aircraft. Or you can finish it up quick like. Im bored and already ate dinner so im really bored.
  12. Granted, Its 300 living chucky dolls I wish for the people in naval battle to hurry up.
  13. except my ships still suck and i have no arms. So i probably will try and ram you unsuccessfully.
  14. Granted, but its the only song you ever hear I wish For some nice hot pasta.
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