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Everything posted by theattackcorgi

  1. True. The user below me expected me to make a non mlp related prediction.
  2. I tunnel under your hill and make a pit witch you fall in and die. Mah corgi hill
  3. Now guess my one i put after i got yours.
  4. Granted, but all thats left is purn. I wish that I was good at building KSP ships.
  5. Thanks. Now all i need is to figure out how to make good planes. Mine usually crash.... And they look dumb.
  6. ok. Can i ally with you cause my ships are failing since i dont know how to make small stock missiles.
  7. And I will download that Multiplayer thing for this. FIGHT ME COWARDS!
  8. So I news to do a modless game. How can i get rid of the mods and all the stuff so the ships aren't there and what not. Sorry Ive missed out. Can i fight anyone? but i want to go first for attacking And did Zekes reply with the persistence?
  9. Can I use these to battle people. Like can i use the first one and the 4th one :3 I cant build that well. I am good at blowing things up and flying though
  10. Uh thats a bad idea, saying that some of the people who post the most are bronies.
  11. False the user below me is the user above me
  12. Ok that doesnt really help me.... your blog doesnt help and idk what your plans are.
  13. False The user below me knows why being a Brony is so popular on the internet.
  14. How can i make a plane with missiles and how do i make the missile?
  15. Granted, but everyone becomes a pony I wish that I was a Hipster wow playing ninja corgi that wore clothes.
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