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Everything posted by theattackcorgi

  1. True, they can technically be categorized as a furry branch as furries existed before the bronies and ponies have fur so their furry so their furries. The user below me wishes this threat would have less pony related things for a change.
  2. Turkey why is everyone using t so much Y
  3. Brain can i please battle you. Spartwo is offline and zekes never showed up. I already have a plane i just need something to blow up.
  4. True The user below me doesnt hate people just cause the played wow before.(last corgi question)
  5. The fact that my KSP broke last night and i only fixed it like a hour ago and i lost all my stuff. Edit: Plus i got to go eat dinner and that would give you lots of time to do stuff since at my house dinner takes 4ever
  6. Banned because you dont like Tea Time with doctor.
  7. False The user below me knows that Hipster Wow-playing ninja corgis are friendly and dont have anything to hate about. Except mabey wow.
  8. I remeber when you linked the when im a brony thing I looked up when im bored I must say.... Shame on you! :3
  9. But I did that with Zekes. Plus I need to go eat dinner soon so i wont have enough time to go build 2-3 nice armored crafts....
  10. 7/10 what you have agaist wow playing hipster ninja corgis?
  11. IDK The user below me will tell me why brian doesn't like those types of corgis why? what you have against them
  12. Granted, But its all stuff that will scar you for life I wish i was a ksp wow playing hipster ninja corgi
  13. True The user below me doesnt like Hipster wow playing Ninja corgis
  14. Banned for trying to extract a un-extractable corgi
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