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Everything posted by theattackcorgi

  1. False. The user below me would visit that fourm so that I dont get all sad cause people hate me or The user below me is starwhip.
  2. It wont be biased agaist ponies. It will be more of a summary of the episode and how much i liked it or not with corgi faces. I am not attempting to offend anyone.
  3. True The yser below me would watch the mlp reaction if i said its gonna be non biased and not me saying it sucks to everything(hey im giving you a oppertunity to possibly have me on your "brony" side (ppppfffffff.....)
  4. Granted, but then we wouldnt be here. I wish people would look at my MLP reaction thread(and tell me where to put it on the fourms *wink*)
  5. False The user below me would look at a thread of me reacting to MLP episodes.
  6. Ok. How many of you would come and see my thread if i told you what i will do. Its what i call a antintelectual documentary. Basicly ima go watch MLP and say how much i hate/like(pppppfffff...) it. I want to know how many people would look at it.
  7. Sorry. I had to sleep and go to school. What have i missed?
  8. Zekes your file keeps crashing my KSP are you using any mods?
  9. I roll a katermari onto your hill my hill
  10. True. The user below me has a kerbal for a profile pic
  11. False The user below me knows this statement is false.
  12. FALSE FALSE FALSE The user below me knows the evil KSP song
  13. I ninja'd the moderator I AM THE PRO NINJA
  14. False the user belows me knows the answer is 42
  15. ffs. I want my turn. If you dont have time can i have a persistence to blow up?
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