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Everything posted by theattackcorgi

  1. I am stuck on Minmus. I have no clue where to go but i have bob.
  2. Hey can I attack some one? I need something to do as i wait for zekes. daemon is there something of yours i could attack some how? you can set up how i must do it, i just want something to do.
  3. Banned because I want to know how to get rep.
  4. True(to some extent ive gone into it before and im not again) So yeah true The user below me has visited the magic boulder.
  5. Fine....... Im basically doing a KSP adventure challenge right now and cheating through it cause i suck at ksp. Im good at blowing stuff up but not getting to planets. And my picture works
  6. Granted, but the space Kraken eat you I wish that I was a corgi.
  7. For real. Where is zekes Yes i know im impatient. thats just who i am!
  8. Can anyone tell me why ive been waiting almost 24 hours for zekes to destroy my crappy fuel tanker? and ok its set as my avatar
  9. Turns out it was because i had time sped up. ship exploded and i landed jeb on minmus using all of his eva fuel.
  10. Is Zekes on yet? And why doesnt my profile picture work?
  11. My ship is broken on minmus orbit. The lander can is blocked so i cant eva and the thruster broke randomly for idk reasons. >_< and i don't have a quicksave. My last quicksave was launching from Kerbin
  12. I keep crashing and its making me restart >_<. Im sick of having to go do the same 12 mins over and over!
  13. The plane wont move and there are no brake options on the wheels.
  14. how am i suppost to know where to go. I got to jeb but it doesnt tell me since the flags dont have anything on them. Can i have the flag massage download?
  15. I think its a partial scam, Their just all talk and no trying to get it done. And YouTube vids as a selection program? WTF these people are dumb. No one who posts a video will have the training. I bet whoever they pic will die cause they dont have the proper education and stuff.
  16. I say its a scam. It seems like their all talk and no do.
  17. Granted, but all you can think about is cuddly things I wish that I wasnt sick today(lol no i dont)
  18. I watched the first one half of the second before i decided it was not worth watching.
  19. Granted, but its full of viruses I wish that the pony vs non pony war would end.(i wish this for real as well, im tired of not being able to not find it somewhere)(as in the fighting_
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