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Everything posted by Mitchz95

  1. They don't. Matter and energy can change forms, but they can't be created or destroyed.
  2. I'm tearing my hair out over the experience system. I have two engineers in the blue workshop, 1-star and 4-star, but my vessel productivity is -0.9. Both are kind of high in stupidity, but still, you'd think 4 stars of experience would count for something.
  3. Recovering the spent stages isn't really the problem, it's recovering them intact. If it's so banged up from the landing that it can't be reused, there's no real point recovering it at all. Ditching them in the ocean where they won't damage anything is the most sensible answer. EDIT: Ninja'd.
  4. I'm more concerned about my mods. I have ... quite a lot of them at the moment, almost all of which are tightly integrated into my game.
  5. Thanks again for the transcript! Glad to hear they're planning a visual update after U5.
  6. How is this thing going to re-enter if it's supposedly in high orbit?
  7. One of my engineers is named "Kerble Kerman". So close.
  8. I've sent manned missions to everywhere except Moho and Eve. I'm currently designing a mission to the former, and I plan to finally do the latter to end the save with a bang. (Hopefully not a literal one. )
  9. Because space is so far removed from everyday life that it's easy to imagine NASA making it all up for profit. I think it's a reflection of how cynical society is these days.
  10. Then I guess freedom of speech is a bad system, too?
  11. I'm pretty sure that launch was just to get the crew to the Hermes in orbit.
  12. Turns out undocking, then going to the space center and back solved the problem. Thanks.
  13. I've got a problem. My ports undock, but the two craft can't seem to get away from each other. They just stay connected and I can't pull them apart. Physically removing the ports with KIS doesn't fix it either, they just stick together like they're still connected.
  14. Pardon my ignorance, but what does BFR stand for?
  15. Put a probe into orbit around Moho for the first time. Not a huge accomplishment, since I've been playing for a long time, but it still felt awesome.
  16. Warp drive confirmed. Seriously, it's probably a schematic or something for the Mars Colonial Transporter.
  17. They're building SLS because the government is forcing them to in order to create more jobs. But that's a subject for another thread. Orbital assembly would require smaller launch vehicles, but the assembly itself would be much more complicated and would involve leaving the object in orbit for potentially months with nobody to make sure everything's functioning properly. Launching it to orbit in one piece allows it to begin its mission immediately, and lets NASA keep an eye on it right up till launch. That's my take on it, anyway.
  18. Nice! But you might want to edit your KerbalStuff entry.
  19. As inconvenient as they may be, it kind of makes me feel good that we have procedures in place to protect alien life. Still, I hope we find a good way to study those regions without infecting the area.
  20. Landing on Dres and returning to orbit is pretty easy, easier than the Mun. It's getting there, and back, that's hard.
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