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Everything posted by Mitchz95

  1. The Klingons have been redesigned before. These guys have been isolated from Klingon society for millenia, so it's not hard to see why they're different. And a lot of the visiting Klingons looked like the ones on TNG. Why is the Shenzhou upside down? Because they wanted to try something different. It's an older ship, perhaps almost as old as the NX-01. Maybe she was the testbed for new technology and design philosophies that got phased out? Discovery - of the self and the other - is the central theme of the show. That's why it has the name, not the ship. I doubt a species that evolved on a planet would have an instinctive fear of vacuum, any more than we humans do. And I don't think he was referring to telepathy or ESP, just his survival instincts saying "this doesn't feel right". I liked the title sequence, but yeah, the theme itself is pretty lackluster. Too many commercials, agreed. At least I don't have to pay for it since I'm in Canada. I wonder if the "racist" Klingons are a call-forward to The Albino from "Blood Oath". The mission was to investigate and repair a broken communications satellite. The planets were just a bonus. And there are plenty of habitable binary systems in Star Trek; hell, Vulcan is in the 40 Eridani system. There were thing I liked and disliked about the show. Overall, I enjoyed it and will keep watching. Be interesting to see where the story and the characters go after this.
  2. https://twitter.com/SpcPlcyOnline/status/912163289102200832 EDIT: Stupid forum doesn't want to embed, here's what it says: "Australia's Science Channel sez SpaceX will broadcst Musk's talk Fri and then it will have live panel disc about it."
  3. Would a new space race with China not be motivation for another such anomaly? I don't think anyone would be keen on another country holding a monopoly on an entire planet. Especially that planet.
  4. There should be a "both" option for #1. If and when it happens, it'll undoubtedly be a joint effort. And for #3, we'll probably have to live in domes for a while either way.
  5. They're just ceremonial. Everyone knows the Emperor can handle himself in a fight.
  6. If there's any truth to the theory of panspermia, I wouldn't be surprised if two or more of those planets are habitable. Or even inhabited... a system that densely packed would be a space-faring civilization's wet dream.
  7. Is Webb actually scheduled to look at this system? I assume there are a lot of candidates to choose from.
  8. It has been [365] days since an accident! Let's hope they keep it going.
  9. That's what I meant to say: we may as well have ideas about how to do it beforehand, in case we need/want to do it later.
  10. Why not? I mean, obviously we're nowhere near capable of colonizing the Cronian system, nor is there any particular pressing reason to do it. But someday, if and when we become an interplanetary civilization, we might as well have some idea how it can be done.
  11. Static fire has moved to August 31st. Wasn't Sept 1 the day AMOS-6 was lost? Maybe that's why they moved it.
  12. Oxygen toxicity refers to not having enough EC to scrub it. The CO2 storage is just what you're saving for recycling.
  13. There's an asteroid named Europa. They don't have to be exclusive. EDIT: Ninja'd by half a second!
  14. Simple, use "terrestrial" instead of Earth, "super-terrestrial" instead of super-Earth, and "hyper-terrestrial" for the OP's planet class.
  15. So I was playing 13.4, and this happened... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? My log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6jbdae74vsfw9op/output_log.txt?dl=0 EDIT: Also, Sanberry Kerman turned into a Tourist again.
  16. I reinstalled 13.4 and now the issue I was having (Pilot turning into Tourist) is no longer happening. Guess it was just a problem on my end.
  17. Existing save, yes. Enough resources, yes. Reloading a quicksave restores them to Pilot, but it changes back to Tourist as soon as I return to the space center. Here's a log, but I have a lot of mods so I don't know how useful it will be. https://www.dropbox.com/s/sq0bsyjusg0s6yz/output_log.txt?dl=0
  18. New version fixes the EC problem for me, but it keeps turning one of my pilots into a tourist every time I change scenes.
  19. Having a weird issue in 13.2. In addition to the EC problems, I've noticed that sometimes the estimates screen thinks I have three times as many Kerbals per ship as I do. So one Kerbal is now three Kerbals, three is now nine, etc. K.S.V. Perseverence has only three Kerbals, yet it's listed as nine. It usually corrects once I switch scenes back to it, but it's rather strange. Unfortunately I have a lot of mods, so a log might not do much good.
  20. Ah, okay. I thought I only needed a comm 16 if I was planning to transmit science. I just want to control the probe at Minmus. Tracking station is level 3. The relay satellites have two HG-5 antennas, because that's all I have unlocked so far. I'll replace them as soon as I get better ones.
  21. I don't know if it's something I'm doing wrong, but my relay satellites don't seem to be working. Despite having a sat halfway between Minmus and Mun, my Minmus probe refuses to connect to anything except Kerbin itself. The probe in question:
  22. Ah, that would do it. I'm in career mode so I haven't locked the mk2 or the 3.75m heatshield yet. Shouldn't be too long, though.
  23. Adding an extra (empty) heat shield did the trick. Thank you guys!
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