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Everything posted by metl

  1. I've had the same thoughts as the OP. I've not once ever used any radiators, even while using the nuke. I'm hoping 1.1 makes it much more needed.
  2. I thought I bought Kerbal Space Program, but am starting to think somewhere along the way I must have downloaded Flight Simulator.
  3. I've noticed this. I never realized what was going on, but when I start the game for the first time, my first launch or two would stutter. Eventually everything would smooth out and run great. I will try to simulate this test and see if the physics time warp seems to be the culprit.
  4. Guys! I found a leaked photo of the next console port! This is going to be EPIC!
  5. If they would have brought back the barn as they said they would, I could see the early tech all having a junky, cobbled together feel and the later tech being more steam-lined and consistent. But without the barn, there really is no reason to keep with that concept and everything just needs to be a consistent art style. I would prefer the first way as I loved the barn and rather like the drum barrel
  6. Texture Replacer, EVE, then Astronomer's Pack for EVE. Try those.
  7. I finally found them. They were under "Actuators" with the claw.
  8. I'm actually working on building your setup now. Anything Squad tanks I should keep or just remove the whole folder?
  9. I can't seem to find these parts in-game. It was working prior to 1.0.4. Anyone else had this problem?
  10. Instead of Procedural Parts, wouldn't TweakScale accomplish the same thing? I hadn't thought about using either to trim the parts back to save memory. Good idea!
  11. Honestly, I don't see why they didn't just use Microsoft BASIC. Best 3D engine on the market!
  12. I'm actually rather done with support for KSP at the moment. After 650+ hours, it was an excellent investment, but the underlying issues of the game have finally drove me away. The last time I started it up to play, I looked at Val floating in space and just quit and played something else. Once 64 bit is a reality, then hopefully I will come back, but as it is now, I can't add any more mods to make it more pretty or it crashes, I can't build much of a space station at all or it slows to abysmal framerates (compounded by visual mods) and I still have no barn. Add in the tier balance issues and artificial grind due to the tier system and tech tree not being fleshed out well and the game has turned into a chore to play. Here's hoping 1.1 is better.
  13. Fuel lines would be such a welcome. They are about the only reason I use KAS (especially now that KIS has arrived. Not overly crazy about KIS, but it beats having nothing.)
  14. I'm sure this has been mentioned, but I can't find anything. I've been trying to do Apollo type missions and if I use [ or ] to change craft, it totally screws with FMRS. It wouldn't be such a big deal except it is habit to do that to switch. Is this normal or should it be working fine either way? The other issue is If I try to drop pods to collect science around various waypoints, the plane just explodes. I flew to several locations and dropped a pod. Then I went back one by one and landed them. Once done, I jumped back to the main plane and *poof* no more plane. And not just a disappearing act, but an all-out glorious explosion as if smacked with a whack-a-kerbal. Is this the same as the known bug listed regarding physics range? I was under the impression those just flat disappeared, whereas this exists fine until I try to control it again.
  15. Of course interplanetary missions are hard. That is why there needs to be in-game stock tools to assist in getting there. Someone earlier brought up a valid point that the testing polls showed a lack of interest in interplanetary, so Squad took that to mean more interest in space planes when in actuality the interest was for an easier way to plot interplanetary missions without all of the same guess work needed to first get to Mun. Interplanetary ramps up that scale of guess work and there just needs to be a simpler way of some sort (that doesn't include changing the laws of physics.) On the topic of all of the plane parts, yeah i am a bit tired of all of the plane stuff. I would really like to see more command pod ideas, or station parts for sure.
  16. I rather like the background ambiance. I haven't ever sat on the KSC screen long enough to get annoyed with it I guess...
  17. Sometimes a fix comes along that makes one thing, "Why did nobody at Squad actually think of doing this?" Well done!
  18. You sir, are incredible. If you're able to get the memory issue squared away, this will be one of the best mods to hit KSP. Kerbin has never looked so good.
  19. Yeah I also experience a huge memory spike and it seems to cause a memory leak (or at the very least exacerbates one of the smaller, existing ones.)
  20. The best way? find the plugin which makes them built into the kerbal by default. Then you don't have to even mess with the box and can delete the part completely. It's on the CKAN, but I'm not sure where else it is available.
  21. So where's the problem? Have you tried it with using something to help dissipate the heat?
  22. While it might be intended, good lord what a terrible design decision. What the heck Squad? You are much better than this!
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