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Everything posted by ScriptKitt3h

  1. I don't mind at all, it's pretty simple, just an ion/RCS propelled mini-drone with a single inline weapon mount (really meant for i-beams, but other stuff might fit) and a couple other things, all under 5 tons.
  2. Good lord, that's huge. I'm hoping you've got some patience with lag, because I'm guessing that's gonna be at least 1.7-8/2k parts before its completed in full.
  3. I've got a nice rig I custom-built (sort of scraping the upper ceiling of a "mid-range" gaming desktop), but I like to turn my graphical settings up nice n' high, and use FX mods like Scatterer to add in lens flares and the like. I'll have do more test engagements to be sure though, especially since x64 KSP runs smooth as silk for me now.
  4. Did a quick lag-test on a new tech demonstrator, trying to see if I can revive my tetrahedral hull shape while not having it be as squishy as the NX-12's backside was. I feel like it's a good sign... since I had a steady-ish 30 FPS with around 1.2-1.5k parts loaded. (The ship took no damage from the i-beam hit, though I'm going to spam it with a bunch to more accurately test its resilience against small munitions.) EDIT: I say over 1k parts between the ship, the Proxy drone I shot it with, and the carrier and sister drone that were also within loading range.
  5. The whole idea behind gunships is that they're used in areas where they either have air superiority established and/or an escort- plus, in the forthcoming episode I'm fairly certain any interceptors will be otherwise preoccupied with the other, faster, air-to-air equipped HKA jets. EDIT: BTW, @Mobius, that TOW setup in the Vikus is pretty slick- compact, reliable and nearly impossible to notice until you open the Weapons Manager.
  6. Yup, that did the trick. I'm liking how you went from a vulnerable pod inside to a pair of driver/navigator seats; looks really slick now.
  7. Oooh, a revamped Vikus AND an AC-130-style gunship? 1.1's bringing some awesome craft to town...
  8. Funny you mentioning sleek ships... Shame the wickedly high part count on this one will likely preclude it from use, but I might be able to make a more economic derivative.
  9. The Mini Drek II just looks so nice and compact... what's the dV you're getting out of it?
  10. Great! The Vikus is a nice 'lil APC; the internal space is very well-organized and the hull's pretty nicely shaped.
  11. The new built-in wheel suspension, while a bit slippery sometimes, DOES work in terms of shock absorption, so custom suspensions are less of a necessity now. I'd say though to be careful with your mounting of the wheels (avoid clipping them or their colliders too much, as they're a lot more strict about getting blocked now), and that you definitely want to have wheels set up like "treads", where you've got some slightly moved up in the front and rear, to help with going up/down inclines. Sorry to hear; the new ones should be even better, knowing your skill with tanks/AFVs.
  12. As in, completely new vehicles, or just rebuilding the drivetrains on them?
  13. Not necessarily radiator armor (they're mainly to keep the look uniform on the outside), but dual-layer armor like I use on my starships. Outer layer's wing and radiator panels, inner chassis is all steel plating and reinforced framework. The radiators do slightly help balance the heat load, but they're meant as ablative armor (breaks fast, delays damage to the inner plate) like the wing parts. It may be able to (haven't tested yet) take a Maverick, since it survived (sans the cannon) multiple successive cannon hits and was still drivable and had the crew areas intact.
  14. Nice, but it survives direct Abrams cannon hits.
  15. I've taken a look at them- the main issue's the wheels, correct?
  16. Awesome! Though there's a new, 2016-era NBC thread now, Zekes.
  17. I'm talking about traditional turn-based stuff, max. Not DMP.
  18. I've been working on my ships a tad bit- I might be ready to battle someone this weekend, once I square away a thing or two.
  19. Mind sending that destroyer my way? I'd like to take a crack at it with my anti-caps.
  20. After finding an old MK3 habitat ring segment I'd made before 1.0.5 that still works in 1.1, I went ahead and built a station system that mixes both o'neill cylinder and stanford torus aesthetics while also serving as a useful orbital fuel depot and civilian "city". I'm hoping to make a companion refinery station and release them in a pack, though sadly it's a bit too heavy to loft up there without hyperedit. 307 tons of non-aerodynamic station heavy. Also, I've got a new SSTO design I'm tentatively calling the StarHopper; its LV-N and pure LF tank setup should (in theory) give a large dV on-orbit once I get it up, refuel at a station, and then launch for my destination. I'm hoping to get it working, so that I can see about making a larger, ISRU-equipped follow-up to it.
  21. Valhalla Station: kerbol-rise at 130km up... I also snapped these while taking my new SSTO on a test flight:
  22. Ya'll know how I mentioned that 0.625 meter shipkiller? Testing in 1.1 proves it also works as an orbital bombardment munition. Just as well, the MU's ships do work in 1.1 (though I may do some tweaks here and there).
  23. Someone likely could- the issue is that the current way MP is handled (having to timesync and all that) really doesn't work well for combat. However, depending on how SQUAD may or may not handle MP at some point in the future, who knows.
  24. Stock files, yes. You'll have to wait on mods to be updated to 1.1 (don't bug the modders about it, give 'em their time), so if you need to do so, strip your planes of modded parts prior to porting them over into 1.1. 1.0.5 until the last contenders on the board go through, and then we move to 1.1 (as well as once BDA's ready for 1.1 use).
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