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Everything posted by Herpderpsslerps

  1. Thankfully some people can see that IC is a scheme to make money. Just a little better of a scam then most you come across.
  2. No it can\'t, the F-35B has had serious structural issues. The F-35A and C variants though work as well as an overstuffed turkey can.
  3. Not a single post about Breeder reactors to help reduce nuclear waste. Seriously, the only fault with breeders is the spent fuel rods that are breed back are being refined closer and closer to weapons grade. Which, when you think about it, you can make a hell of a lot of bombs for a Project Orion style ship!
  4. Had some fun with your parts Nova, always thought you did some great work, even with the SIDR pack.
  5. Dale Brown wrote about a system that was designed to launch from a C-13. Carried two rockets with several micro satallites each that could achieve LEO but had almost no orbital maneuverability, once inserted they circled taking pictures before burning up in reentry. I\'d love to make something like that for this.
  6. First of all, the freedom of speech doesn\'t apply to everything. And try using that on your boss at work, see how he likes it. Respect must be shown. She is just lucky dad didn\'t take out yard stick. The few times I pushed the boundries like that to my parents I was spanked like you wouldn\'t believe, had my tv rights revoked and could only play outside and do my chores. Taught me quick to respect my parents.
  7. My Ruger with a new stock and glass
  8. Guys, we almost have the Eagle Five from Space balls. A little modifying I think we could make it work.
  9. This is a fun plane to fly, doesn\'t like to roll all that much even with the tail planes aiding in roll. Where\'s my plane going? Seriously, where are you going plane. There it is.
  10. This appears to be a massive cheat part, but I use cheat parts when screwing around with in atmo planes.
  11. Ah, issues with your can. I never had that issue. New Jersey says no to cans.
  12. My Marlin chewed it up. What was the issue?
  13. Pretty good. Though its a 6079. A Model 60 only made in 1979 and put in a Glenfield stock. Also, pretty nice 795, that isn\'t a can on it is it?
  14. Yes but do you know the types. I\'ll give you a hint, they are the two most popular autoloaders on the market.
  15. Three states in the USA requires a purchaser permit for long guns. Four for Handguns (that I am positive on) New Jersey Massachussetts and Illionios require a purchaser to get a permit, Nebraska requires only lhandguns. Most states if your eighteen and do not have any legal issues, you can walk into a store that has a FFL holder and you can purchase whatever you want. Also take a guess as to what these two rifles are (they are mine).
  16. Doesn\'t work in 13.2, says its unavailable.
  17. Big Wing in boost mode climbing for a suborbital flight. After Big wing I decided to make a Biplane to try and land on one of these peaks, It flies nicely, until you light off the booster. I set up the Aeropsike with thrust of 600 and reworked the ramjet inlet as a engine that refilled the tank at a rate slower then the main engine. Any Maneuvering and you end up losing the cockpit. Once reworked it just didn\'t land right.
  18. Well I\'ve landed on a decent peak I think. Lots of RCS pods and this thing barely made it onto that ridge. Screwed up trying to land higher on it and the whole damn plane fell apart.
  19. Cool, you used my reworked values! I bet with enough we could still do a SSTO with those verniers.
  20. I\'m going with the spirit of the challange and using NovaPunch parts.
  21. Cool, it kind of messes up my control when I go by the visual on the pod.
  22. I think I\'ve noticed a slight bug, my capsule is rotated 90 degress.
  23. Alright, just wanted to make sure you weren\'t going to get yelled at by the masses.
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