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Everything posted by Herpderpsslerps

  1. Right now all it supports is gimbaling, so you\'d have to do what I think Slug did with his Aerospike, make it gimbal
  2. Game doesn\'t support that yet Squid. When it does I am going to be pretty damn happy.
  3. Can you imagine the lag that would produce? Still would be interesting to see just how much lag one of these would produce if it was split up.
  4. It looks okay, I\'d have to see how it performs. Also, you only need four on the bottom stage and they can keep it pointing in the right direction until you put it too far over then it\'ll tip like it should Veriniers should only be able to keep you on track, not keep a completely unstable rocket from tipping.
  5. Forgot the modified coupling, its actually a higher power but its labeled low power because I was using it for missle launches. NVM< it was only stock decoupler struts, but it has a slight issue of not kicking the tanks off far enough, this one will do that if you want to replace the couplers for the drop tanks so they don\'t kill your rocket.
  6. They provide more then enough for this beast. uses Nova punch, FAILcon and stock part and tiberion packs if I remember correctly. Four on the lower stage with all non gimbaling engines. I don\'t need any RCS at all to keep it stable. Also, night launches ftw
  7. Buddy pal, great work, but may I suggest a .cfg edit for a little added realism for your bear cubs? Ditch the flame all together for the FX and up it to a medium smoke trail, it looks more like an old Kerosene burning jet like the B-52, I mean you only see the smoke on older jet engines, newer ones have nothing, no glow coming out of the pipes unless they are using after burners. other then that pretty good pack, I\'ve been enjoying messing around with different engine configs. ASAS is frigging awesome for the shuttle nose, keeps my planes from wobbling to hard, I\'m going to have to try its config on others to see if it works better then stock for the big rockets I\'ve built.
  8. I was playing with the half size version, the attachement nodes for the radial decouplers needs to be reworked, at least the one I downloaded has the tanks being attached off the ship. I\'d show you a picture except I\'m not on my gaming rig at the moment.
  9. SAS deactivates when detached, no matter what you do in the CFG I\'ve tried for some heavy missiles before.
  10. He didn\'t leave Kim Jung Il with the bomb or the missile tech. And they didn\'t give him a send off with a short range missile test.
  11. Kim Jong-Il\'s son KIm Jong-Un is going to take his place. I give them a couple of years max before shit flies and we get dragged into another war.
  12. I\'ve been messing around with this pack, had an issue though. The Verniers cause one hell of an oscillation buildup as stock, so I\'ve nuked the thrust, fuel consumption and gimbal range significantly. The result is a rocket that doesn\'t wobble like the crazy guy on the corner. CFG values in the spoiler. maxThrust = 12.5 minThrust = 0 dryMass = 0.1 heatProduction = 50 fuelConsumption = 0.25 //thrustCenter = -0.25, 0.07, 0 //thrustCenter was not implemented for liquids in KSP 0.13) thrustVector = 0, 0.87, 0.50 thrustVectoringCapable = True gimbalRange = 6
  13. It needed a targeting system! Though before I could get into a circular orbit around the sun the game crashed.
  14. Update with some stock parts renamed so that they aren\'t mixed up all over the place in your parts folder.
  15. Hey Can you make a 1.75 decoupler to work with the 1.75 meter tanks?
  16. Nope, Rods from Gods was just a precision deorbit of a big rod of Tungsten. Gravity did all the rest.
  17. Tell that to the NF-104 Starfighter. Also, RCS makes initial pitchover on heavier craft much easier and rotation.
  18. You forget about the NF-104. NASA wanted to test people in space? Strap a rocket to an existing jet and let it go!
  19. Guys, this plane sacrificed everything to go fast and high. Its sole purpose was to go fast and climb like the hounds of hell were on its heels. Paint, cannon, hardpoints, everything that wasn\'t needed was pulled from this to reduce weight and drag so it can get to altitude as fast as it could.
  20. Too bad the TSR.2 was a failure due to poor engine design. Hollow shafts for air cooling of the turbine resulted in some nasty harmonics that caused failures. Thing had potential as a fast interceptor / light strategic bomber.
  21. The Streak Eagle blows by your time to altitude with style!
  22. The Streak Eagle was a sexy bitch. Designed for one thing and one thing only, getting to altitude as fast as it could.
  23. Alright, since this guy keeps complaining, I did the .cfg edits, made them SAS modules
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