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Everything posted by toolofdarkness

  1. i use my bolter as a thruster and fly back to what is now odin's hand where i play cards with odin still your hill mikeman7918
  2. i reshuffle the deck and deal you in while slowly claiming the hill with my minnions
  3. i walk up to where you are sitting. set up a table and chairs and play you in a game of magic the gathering. still starwhips hill
  4. banned for not advising him to use his puppet next time.
  5. orks don't need to see you they only have to believe they do (yes i know its a shock attack gun but hey warping gimlens in to air craft isn't such a bad idea)
  6. i press the reset button fixing the radioactivity still your hill
  7. you think i dead but i survive due to the powers of the emperor and come back to kill you i shoot you in the head with my bolter causing your head to explode in a cloud of oddly satisfying pink mist. then i post a sigh in the shame of the imperial eagle. on the hill with the words: The Emperor protects. For the rest theres allstate. my hill with sign
  8. i reset the hill back to odins hand holding a hill. then kick you off in to space while planting a odin's flag in his/her honor my hill with odin's flag
  9. i order an exterminatus upon the planet which completely obliterates it.then i use the debris that was left to make a new planet in the shape of odins hand and in the middle of the palm is a single large hill in an oxygen bubble so all can fight over it . also the whole planet is protected by my reset system. still tidus klein hill
  10. due to me being a space marine i live for those thousand years preparing for your return when you took the hill the trap sprang into action a massive electrical cage that can generate its own power activates and traps you where i have my little minions poke you with sharp pointy objects. (this will last until someone else posts.) my hill with a very sad starwhip
  11. since its the future my save suddenly becomes relevant and can no longer be deleted due to the countless resets it has been used in. (would you guys stop with this timey wimey stuff and allow the game to progress in a stand flow of time that hasn't been interrupted) no one's hill
  12. the answer to life the universe and everything. or the ultimate truths of the universe. just so other people won't say it galaxies.
  13. the point in which the universe ends. to better explain its the end of the uso or the universes sphere of influence.
  14. I throw a missile against Little jeb.
  15. due to the newly created complex timeline of hills of the future existing in the past before they were created they merge with the new hill making a massive hill with my reset system installed.then i put a small house surrounded by four trees and a flagpole that rises far above the tree line. *save* vexx32 massive home like hill.
  16. i release a chaos sorcerers in to your bunker. he then kills you with the power of the warp. after he's finished i lock him back up in a stasis field and have him teleported to The Rock for interrogation. my hill for once.
  17. The planet is losing everything that could be chewed off.
  18. press* the hill is now reset back to the state in which i last posted. then i place a giant rock monster hydra on the hill that looks like a rock when someones not taking the hill. then watch as it eats you. my hill for a change on and the hydra is saved now
  19. I launch a giant kraken powered sun at Kerbin.
  20. thats not what i meant by protected i yell as your soldiers run up the hill and attack nothing. i was saying the hill will always auto reset when damaged reverting it back to its last saved state. then i proceed to by pushing a button having all the other hills that i have protected dissolve into pure data and stream in to the new hill slowly expanding the hill while hurting no one at the same time then save the new hill. your even larger hill Mikeman7918
  21. banned for saying heresy when there is none (go home boys theres no need for exterminatus here it was a false alarm)
  22. banned for having a flaming kerbal....poor dude. (pamplemousse its the rock is the citadel of the dark angels heres a linky for you)
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