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Everything posted by toolofdarkness

  1. tranfer my nekomimi maids to the mountian, reset the hill and walk to the mountian after laying inviso traps all over the hill. aint my hill know more here you have it but i keep the reset button
  2. use improper grammer till kills grammer police and kills you with nekomimi its my hill with nekomimi maids like so
  3. setup smal land minds (i know briansun1 in real relm and he does this kind of thing in the real relm and in pms in the forums and things like that) still your newly auto reseted hill with Deimos in it.
  4. i think assain is good but you briansun1 on the other hand are banned for being an annoying bronie that trys to forcefully corrupt people with ponies. so to put in in a easy term you are banned for being and annoying bronie
  5. i send out a drone thats eliminates bronies that trys to forcefully corrupt people with ponies(note to bronies i dont hate you all just the annoying and the ones that try to corrupt people with them by forcing people to watch the show,pmvs,role plays,bronie cons, and the like agenst there will. in esense briansun1) oh and now its my hill
  6. if you use a pull style of space craft that means your cargo in this case your kerbals are close to the pod because said pod is at the bottom or close to it and you dont have the pesky engines falling off all the time but the ship is more unstable in the long run and needs more struts and more legs which equels more wieght but that can be dealt with
  7. comes in and cleans up the mess and places a temprial flux reapair system(its a system that auto repairs any huge damage done to the hill this includes damage done by an exterminatus, virus bombs, masive crator making explotions, ratiaton, ionizing, and pouring large amounts of acid on the hill. yes you can build and destroy other buildings on it and crash thing in to the hill but any large craters past the size of a 500ton bomb explotion will be auto filled. and when the hill has sufferd an equivlent of a 10000megaton bomb of total damage the hill will reset but keeping what ever ruins are on the hill at the moment of reset.) and still isnt my hill
  8. push the undead back in to the graves (one piece style) and ask why must you kill the mods still isnt my hill
  9. eh yes and no i hate on annoying bronies that try to corrupt you all the time the user below me saw i was missing the second part of my post and was waiting for me to fix it
  10. not at the moment im curently a tester so ya the user below me is testing starbound(the terraria like game)
  11. from my position on the mountian i concordinate a series of landscaping and clean up projects to rebuild the hills and decontaminate them only to cover them in a new even larger hill and give it to the mods with a grave yard for all the clones that have died in the war of the hills. mod's newly made super hill with grave yard
  12. uses keys to build a hill with in your hill so you can have a hill and so can i with out much problems and returns keys to you afterwords
  13. 9/10 yes i do lift bro but can you with out your formulas
  14. from a testers pov hes the most luck person alive but from a normal persons veiw the universe hates him but cant kill him yet so its doing the next best thing
  15. 5/10 not enough text (text all the things)
  16. ya weld every one to a wall with a stapler
  17. guys we have moved on i dont think its that hard to see that theory is not the same as reality all the time i mean we play ksp for criying out loud nothing goes exacly as planed even though you gave your self plenty room for error in your thinking of things so please for the sake of the thread move on and solve the riddle at hand.
  18. like lord i think its a book but i could also be history the reson for a book is : 1st books have no eyes or mouths just faces. 2nd books last long after the writer is long dead just look at most books the writer is dead. and 3rd books can have difrent world in them an example of this is the warhammer series(not the codexes but the books(fluff)) the reson for history is a little more imagintive but here we go: 1st history takes plase in diffrent times and places which can seem like diffrent worlds. 2nd history is infinite every one makes history what it is and sets history for the next generation to learn about so on and so on. 3rd like a book it only has a face history cant see or hear but still comes and repeats its self when needed. 4th most of history is from dead men and women. 5th big points are writen in books which a kid can hold.
  19. banned for banning the word your using
  20. do nothing just train soldiers buy weps and get more soldiers. just in case but think any things going to happen they never fallow through with there threats very often. and i will help if push comes to shove.
  21. add more gear or dont use them at all that should fix the gear . and there is no such thing as too many chutes also have enough fuel to do a little bit of the areo brake magic:P
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