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Everything posted by toolofdarkness

  1. atom (color is a form of electromagnetic radiation)
  2. false always expect the unexpected and nothing will supprise you. the user below me will try to fix my post
  3. Aboard the Or'es El'leath: “I told you they started with out us†said Azreal as the three slid through the tau size door which was obviously too small for a space marine in battle armor let alone those in terminator armor causing the three to turn sideways and go head first through the door. Azrael: commanders sorry were late took a while to fit through these tiny doors and not cause damage to your ship. But I suppose you want our exact fleet counts so here they are *places a data crystal in to what looks like a slot for said object. Also I will see if Commander Samuel is done with his front and send more of the raven wing to help. Oh and here is our teleport homer signal for this front you may use them to transport your units to points of advantage or in dire need of backup in the battle field. Gabriel Seth: if we need I can call upon the 4th company and Death Company for a little back up planet side. Sir Charles: I will see what I can due troop wise as of the moment all troops are deployed but I will ask them to come once there fronts have been finished and see what I can do about procuring some Titians. Azreal: when we put troops on the ground I suggest that we go for the capital city which will cut off the head of the enemy which will allow our allies to gain rapid victory and restore peace. well this is aparently my post to a rp in nation states...wrote in word to correct any spelling
  4. i activate a stasis field which slows down time to the point where it might as well be frozen. traping you inside and what ever is left of the fireworks not my hill
  5. 10/10 info companys and ribbions what can posibly go wrong (i hope and ork didnt hear that)
  6. miss (this only counts if you understand ork shooting)
  7. banned for not having ribbions ((everyones a hypocrite)ya i wanted to use grammer this time)
  8. opon relising the hill has now left the planet the hill resets its self to the point where its still on the planet leaving you in space to sufficate to death ya its my hill now because why not
  9. Danny2462 is sub-molecularly combined with Jeb's rocket.
  10. i blow up the mountain then reset the hill with my button not my hill
  11. you can have the hill and you can relax now because of this baby not my hill
  12. beep auto hill reset activated stand back and enjoy your hill onece more. now i will clam the hill in the name of me
  13. You're eaten by a left for dead 2 disk while eating an enslaved, undead black hole. And then it starts raining demons
  14. banned for not having a LapTop in your location
  15. well there goes toolofdarknes 567768 hope he has a good trip. i say as i snipe you from my mountian top position still aint my hill
  16. false unless the old elevator became a rp type thing the user below me has cats
  17. no but love bbc america the user below me has watched the anime black cat
  18. by explaining the overly complex systems of how the temprial flux reapair system works causes your head to explode and then i freeze you in a staysis field and clean up my mess. aint my hill
  19. false (im insane. nice try) the user below me has watched attack on titian(cant remember the romji at the start of the title)
  20. true the user below me beta tests warframe
  21. after many turns the temprial flux reapair system comes back on line and resets the hill to what it once was keeping the rubble bunker and giant man eating plant where they are in relation to the hill. and i build a new reset button still aint my hill
  22. ha this is from the last king of the hill post where i gave the hill cat girl maids because why not
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