why pay attention to tribbles there small cute and its not like they will eat all your food supply. oh wait they can and here comes the flak for posting this
just force him to throw the first punch you will still get in truble but most of the time teachers and staff will let you of easy. but use this only as a last resort never resort to vilance at first sign of truble
says the one who wont stop trying to corrupt me with ponies here just for you english because where in the world doues one get a food made of a witch and sand
welcome one and all to the world of polotics where the lesser of two eviles win and loyers rule over all so ya i hate them too and the same goes for politics
push cant be any worse then the ones i have now press for any tv show you want to come out with there new season but 60% chance when ever you try to watch it the divice you are using will explode
granted everything you see is now purple but you now are alergic to purple and spew blood every time you see purple. i wish for infinite battery life for every one and every thing
push it hoes for the eva thing sounds like fun press button for 10 trilion yen but every thing in the world becomes 10 trillion yen more expencive(eh spelling close enough)