after the long process of purging the hordes of the flaming dead and fixing the hill to its proper state i plant a single tree with a flagpole next to it and install my usual hill protection device(if you don't know just look for my previous posts in the thread to find out). your new pristine hill
im guessing this question has already been asked but do the weps have bullet drop and travel time or are they hit scan. also do you have to take in account wind speed, coriolis affect, air temperature difference, spin of the bullet, and so on
due to the hill exploding and a giant metallic object crashing in to the crater the hill resets. and i plant a tree on top right beside the flag pole. you still have it
due to the always paradox i become insane and turn to the dark gods(chaos demons like Nurgle) and become a fallen and due ti this im able to kill you be fore you kill me but never let you see it there for you disapear in a puff of logic and the hill is still my hill. still my hill and due to the rule of paradox the hill is now in every point in time and space.
the hill resets there for you have a hill now but you die in the radioactive radiation left behind from the nukes and i clam it and not die due to my power armor. then proceed to clean up the radiation and plant a tree. my hill
i blow up your hill (there shall only be one) there for my hill being the only hill in exsistence its still mine. still my hill. (sorry its just that i have the other hill setup to keep it from dieing and your hill would be blown up in the next post any way so ya sorry)
the hill resets and moves it back to real space and collapses this pocket of space time you talk about with the warp. still your hill but its in normal space time now enjoy.
first i throw you off the hill then dig in to the hart of the hill and replace the magic reset button and make it the very being on the hill so it cant be removed at all. then place you back on top of the hill and strap you to it. its your hill but i have the reset button and its incoded to only me and odin.
first i reset the hill which resets the planet then i proceed to rip your planet apart with the powers of the warp since the reseting hill is the only hill in relevence agian i clam it as mine and plant a tree on it my hill