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Everything posted by p3asant

  1. Are adapters really needed when you have procedural interstages? Balloon, centaur-like, tanks would be cool. Also spherical tanks would be cool. I'm thinking N1. Would spherical tanks be possible to implement?
  2. I'm using this config for the F1 engine: @PART[F1_RocketMotor]:Final //Matriarch { //@title = Dux-TL4 @mass = 8.4 @maxTemp = 5600 @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @maxThrust = 6773 @heatProduction = 500 @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 315 @key,1 = 1 263 } @PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] { @name = LiquidFuel @ratio = 0.39 } @PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] { @name = LiquidOxygen @ratio = 0.61 } } @MODULE[ModuleGimbal] { @gimbalRange = 0.5 } MODULE { name = ModuleEngineConfigs techLevel = 4 origTechLevel = 4 engineType = L origMass = 8.4 configuration = LiquidFuel+LiquidOxygen modded = false CONFIG { name = LiquidFuel+LiquidOxygen maxThrust = 6773 heatProduction = 500 PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.39 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = LiquidOxygen ratio = 0.61 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 315 key = 1 263 } IspSL = 1.01 IspV = 1.01 } } } If you use this, you'll need to go to the hakari/parts/F1 rocket engine/part.cfg and change the part name to f1_RocketMotor I had to rename the orginal part name because it had spaces in it.
  3. What mechjeb ascent profile is that? Seems smooth - me wantey. You should really get the Real Modular Fuel mod. It makes changes the fuel to mass ratios to realistic therefore making orbiting easier. How do you manage to steer that 4000t ton rocket?
  4. By the time Nasa arrives at Mars, the planet will no longer be red only by name.
  5. Nice to see the new VAB height in the alpha version. Now to build a 250m rocket. Edit: There seems to be disturbance in the force Also the rocket can't be mover upwards even if the camera can. Though i managed to get it 96 m tall
  6. Yeah Ksp lacks the "rising to the heavens atop a great pillar of flame" aspect, but is it even possible to draw exhaust longer than 2.5km? I think someone made a mod to alter the physics distance. Then we'd only need better fx, or just cfg edit? Also it'd be nice to see exhaust variations between engine/fuel types. Delta IV looks like it rises atop red lightsabers and kerolox and srb exhaust all look somewhat different.
  7. There does seem to be some black magic involved when Jeb just appears one day at KSC after being left on a one-way trip to Eeloo. Ten years ago.
  8. Yeah they're the 1:1 F1 engines. Look nice but they're resource hogs with those nice textures. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47892-0-21-X-Rocketdyne-F-1-Liquid-Engine-%28Saturn-V-main-engines%29-UPDATED-v1-2?p=620512 The author has also an 1:1 Shuttle srb which would fit perfectly with real sized ksp. Btw was saturn multibody real thing/design or is it just from Eyes turned Skywards?
  9. Thanks. Strangely i divided mass full with the amount of fuel in stage. Now it makes more sense.
  10. Kerbal guide to real Kerbin 1. Build a gigantic rocket. (Min 1000t) 2. Not big enough? Add MOAR BOOSTERS! ( Min 2000t - here 3800t ) 3. Get 300 Tons to KEO (4. Get cool pics.) Actually steering these things is not that hard - just make little adjustment at start and let gravity do the rest, just like in real life.
  11. Trying to build a Saturn replica, i tried to calculate the real ones delta V budged. The results made no sense. Using Tsiolkovsky's equation Saturn first three stages only give 3670 + 3789+2102 delta V. How can this be so low? 9.4km/s dV barely gets to orbit, not TLI cabable? I counted the stages followingly: First : 304*9.81 * ln(3038500/ (2286217-135218)) = 3670 Second: 421*9.81 * ln((3038500-2286217)/((3038500-2286217)-(490778-39048))) = 3789 Third. 421*9.81 *ln((3038500-(2286217+490778))/((3038500-(2286217+490778))-(119900-13300))) = 2162 Weight data from Astronautix. Any idea what i calculated wrong?
  12. Got to the mun, atlast. The aternis weights only 1504 ton at launch. Quite efficient. First stage LiquidFuel/O2, second and third H2/O2 and Mun descend and ascend LF/O2. Mechjeb gives 19517 dV
  13. What have you guys found out as the optimal ascend profile settings for mechjeb? I'm having problems with mechjeb not burning up (not high enough angle) enough and leading to deorbit before orbit.
  14. K-IC 20 tons to orbit K-AAP-IIC 80 tons to orbit Kind of awesome efficiency (1400t origMass)
  15. I don't see any real need for editing/adding bigger tanks. Using stretchytanks is pretty easy solution and adapters can be re-scaled ( e.g i have the novapunch 3.75m-5m rescaled for 5-6.5 and 6.5-11.25 or so). Only problem is the lack of big (and small) realistic engines. Also for upper stage engines adding couple versions of the KwRocketry service engine in different sizes would probably work because it looks like a real vacuum engine.
  16. My apollo try Diameters 11, 6.5, 5, and 3.75 ( Fairing) the craft itself is ol' 2.5m. and getting that beast to orbit was kind of accomplishment. Too bad game crashes close to the mun ):.
  17. When moving to Launch Pad from VAB, all the stretchy configs switch to only one fuel. Cryogenics to Lox or H2 and non cryigenic ones to Lf. It would be a pain in the ass to have two tanks for earch stage and having to count the ratios right. Edit: Fixed by removing whole modular mod and reinstalling along with some other mods.
  18. Afaik there already are upper stages which function as engines tanks and decouplers at the same time. It would be kinda cool to have an stretchable, universal part which includes tank,engine and decoupler.
  19. I added a zero to both and now my 11m diameter test monstrosity ( Jeb is in love) can get to orbit. Before it would either spin to it's ass or the bottom engines would fall off, or the top part would fall off the booster. It seems pretty hard to make realistic-ish bottom heavy rockets in ksp. I'm thinking Saturn V had 2300t in first stage of 2800t. Try that in ksp
  20. What do the angularMaxForceFactor and the linearMaxForceFactor effect? I boosted both and something magic seemed to happen.
  21. This mod seems to be progressing quite fast from an impossibility to something awesome. In a week.
  22. With the Joint reinforcement plugin the wobble seems to be lessened leading to better mechjeb performance.
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