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Everything posted by sharpspoonful

  1. Alright! I Will be live for a few hours! I'll be planning for the first Phase this morning! - - - Updated - - - Some testing shots: Here is the SC1 launch on a ULA Block 2L2B Lifter assembly for getting satellites and whatnot into Kerbin's SOI. I'll be streaming again in 15 minutes or so if anyone wants to watch.
  2. I know I posted something similar before, but I have renewed interest in this, and a new set of mods. So without further ado: 2015 Duna Exploration Proposal “Ignis Vulpes†“A posse ad esse†Intent- To plan, engineer, and launch a long-term Duna research base and support equipment for an undetermined amount of time. This will include regular crew rotations and resupply missions, and to bring back any monetarily or scientifically valuable raw material and research data from Duna and it’s mun Ike. Execution- There will be five phases, with the first phase launching on day 116. Phase IV will be followed by semi-regular launches for refit/resupply/return flights. Phase I Planning, designing, and testing the rover/satcom relay, MKS/OKS wheel placements, module layout schematics, atmospheric entry and the corresponding lift and propulsion packages. Phase II Launching a rover with orbit-based mapping probes for scanning/mapping Duna’s surface for feasible landing sites, to scan for Kerbonite and other raw resources; to land the rover in the vicinity the projected site for geological, atmospheric and resource measurement; establishing a dedicated satcom relay over the vicinity of the projected site. Phase III Launching habitation/C3/agricultural/storage modules and a crew of 6 into LKO and burn into a Duna capture during the transfer window (Optimally, the crew should descend to the BIVOUAC separate of the habitation module and its intended landing site. In the case of crew lander loss, failure and/ or malfunction, it would be acceptable utilize the habitation modules as a secondary means to land at the BIVOUAC, however it is not recommended). Phase IV All secondary equipment (I.E. secondary life support systems and primary research systems) will be launched once the habitation modules are in position and operational on and above Duna, and will utilize the following transfer windows. Phase V Sending a small orbital station that will facilitate crew rotations and orbital construction via EPL. Construction will be accomplished in part by with KASA’s sister space-faring administration, KOSMOS, and utilizing several domestic contractors to include, but not limited to: KW Industries, Umbra Space Engineering, AIES Communications, KAS Systems, and SUMDUM Industries. KASA will also be using internal engineers, mission architects, and test dummies pilots. Over the course of the next month (real time), KASA (Kerbin Aeronautics and Space Administration) will present images, live streaming, and documentation (.cfg files) for recording purposes, and to be inspected and tested by other agencies at their own discretion. This will come with caveat however. Any RL priorities, such as work, study or spousal duties with be my focus. I will attempt to have streams as often as possible, usually 8am to 10am EST/5am to 7am PST. Stream link: http://www.twitch.tv/thesharpspoonful
  3. Pretty much exactly what you said. It's not practical, and makes for some long and difficult to use hitches.
  4. I would be stoked for that. It would make tractor-trailer setups much simpler.
  5. First round of prototyping. It is too wide for the Mk 4 parts though, and setting the tracks underneath the rover frames makes the whole assembly unstable while turning. More testing and tweaking is needed.
  6. The tracks are the greatest things ever. Thank you so much for killing two days for me. Im trying to make a Haglund ATV that'll drive into a Mk. 4 fuselage for transport to both north and south poles to start Polar Observation Stations. I'll start posting photos of some creations later after work.
  7. I will post when I get home, and I can help with the app icons too.
  8. Can I make a request? I've been trying to build a tracked rover system using the uncontrolled joints as the linkages between the rovers. My issue is that since I can't limit how much they rotate, and powered rotaries and joints aren't precise enough to allow for not having to counter-steer after ever maneuver. Would there be a way to integrate limits to how much range the uncontrolled rotaries and joints cant move? Pics:
  9. My TRacked, Long-Range Scout - Colony Survey Rover. Made for atmospheric scouting and surveying, I took inspiration from the Haglund ATV. I want these to support a mission on Duna, as the setup is fairly flexible to support multiple missions. I just wish I could limit the uncontrolled IR joints. As it stands right now, the whole tractor-trailer turns rather than pivoting horizontally. Mods: IR Rework, LLL, Gravatons and more!, TAC-LS, KAS, Karbonite, Texture Replacer, KVV for the screenshots, and Tweakscale.
  10. Yes, thank you for simplifying that. That's kind of what I was trying to say.
  11. This is something that has been proven to not be true. While admittedly, i believe the IACBM cause lag in large numbers, it has nothing to do with the light modules. My guess is either colliders or meshes. But lights were empirically ruled out as the cause of lag.
  12. What should I set them to? I would figure roughly half of that of the KSO rudder's lift rating, but I dont know how to calculate it.
  13. Last question: Why does the tail rudder not have a lift rating? Is that accidental, or is it Working as Intended®?
  14. The reskin of the pod is fine (I have tested it against Ven's Stock Part Revamp), but I would suggest doing a reinstall Stock Part Revamp but without the clamp-o-tron model and config. That way, SDHI will play nicely.
  15. @gilbr0ther: While I understand that the required mods state that you need FAR, does this also work with NEAR? While I'm not a slave to aerodynamic accuracy, I not a fan of the soup-like atmosphere (as Farram4 put it) either.
  16. You've got to upload the picture to a site like imgur first. We can't see the contents of your HD.
  17. 1st: 64 bit is a mess, and most modders do not support it. 2nd: you need to patch RPM.
  18. Are you manually trying to decouple it, or are you trying to stage-decouple? If you are attempting the latter it won't work, as intended. Animated Decoupler is there to remove the decouple function from staging and animate the service ring's decouple animation. If it is the former, double-check Starwaster's Github repository or redownload from the link in the SDHI thread. EDIT: Also, double check you are hooked into the right node on both the service ring decoupler and ICSP's-to-SM decoupler. I've had the same issue because of accidentally attaching the heatshield or the ICSP engine on the wrong node, trapping the parts together and making for an interesting (Read: harrowing) emergency reentry.
  19. It's just saying that the mod is compatible with KSP versions .24 to .25.
  20. I have to say, I've never seen that, current or previous builds. Have you tried to redownload and reinstall (Turn it off and on again)?
  21. Sorry blackheart, that's one thing I didn't get a chance to check.
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