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Everything posted by Trann

  1. If you have any girders and struts, you can attach the girders 6x radially around the upper stage. Since struts have a length limit, attach girders to each stage then attach struts between girders and the rocket body and, finally, to the bottom 6 tanks. Double the struts if necessary. You should now have a series of triangles reinforcing the structure of the whole rocket. Best sketch I can do at the moment... EDIT: Ah, you don't have struts yet....Never mind
  2. I came to this thread when it was 1 minute old, wrote something much like this, previewed my post, and saw MiniMatt posted before me. 8) Damn, I'm slow. My only clarifications/suggestions: - familiarize yourself with the navball icons - ensure the orbits are same inclination: you'll go nuts trying to catch something that's only close enough at orbital intersections - before burning target prograde (pink), burn vector retrograde (yellow) to get 0.0 relative velocity between you and your target; use translation RCS (HN,IK,JL) to burn reverse (N) if you overshoot 0.0 rather than spin around - when burning towards your target, go slow and use time warp: saves fuel, and saves collisions when you burn retrograde and can't stop in time - if your angle is off, let the target and vector indicators get to 90 degrees of separation then burn retrograde to stop: this way, you're essential getting as close as you can each pass
  3. If you'd like some mental exercise, Portal 2. Check out some videos; it's too cool not to see it in action.
  4. I've only recently discovered the wiki's campaigns. I've done many of them (either directly or indirectly) but a few looked interesting enough to try. This number nerd finds the efforts somewhat relaxing. Who needs MechJeb? ... ComSat One was inserted into orbit directly above KSP (marked by the Kerbin flag) and in geosynchronous orbit at 0.0 degrees inclination. ... ComSat Two and Comsat Three, each with 120 degrees of separation, now form a communication umbrella encompassing the entire planet. ... Soooooo satisfying.
  5. Caught the ISS followed by Discovery one night. Truly awe inspiring. /tangent
  6. Definitely. Check out heavens-above.com and their link for Iridium flares. You'll then be able to find out for yourself how good your location might be.
  7. This is the best rule when design is your business. I'd do the same if mine were, too.
  8. Based on a lot of the replies, I wonder if people could team up (idea guy with artist gal) to submit an idea? There's nothing on the line but virtual fame anyway...
  9. Check out the mods that do texture compression. Might help.
  10. What about in-game moments, taken from submissions by the community at large? A simple slide show or photo album of everything from magnificent views to elegant ships to spectacular disasters.
  11. Yes, flood lights are a must. I had some fun using the Aviation Lights mod (on the docking port itself, at first!)
  12. Not so much love as appreciation here, but the rest stands. 8) Thanks!
  13. I'm partial to the possibility of repair missions: carry the part up, EVA to "move" it into position, attach/weld/seal/bolt the part into place. To make the part portable (or not really attached to its delivery vessel), perhaps a new "part holder" part is required? Something clampy/bolty that can be interacted with.
  14. Welcome aboard. Struts are your friend.
  15. Only found this thread recently; took me a few days to catch up. Great story telling. Great project management. Thanks for another way to play KSP.
  16. As a proof-of-concept of what can be done, this thread may be of interest to you: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1lnf3p/my_friends_and_i_went_to_dragon_con_as_kerbals/
  17. Better is subjective. Free is not: Open Office has all the usual office related apps and can save to most MS formats, if you need to share.
  18. So I figured out a center-line modular fuel platform... ...then a lander that (I hope) will survive... ...then an LV-N tug to push it all... ...which all gave birth to my 622 tonne interplanetary monstrosity... I'm hoping it will allow me to get to Duna (and Ike), explore multiple areas, and return home. I have no idea how over- (or under-)engineered this thing is. 8) (and there's no science because it's moot: I unlocked it all entirely by hitting the biomes on Mun and Minmus).
  19. I'm betting not everyone is going to agree on any sort of categorization for ship types/classes/icons. Instead, allow custom icons to be pulled from a GameData/Icons folder (for example) and let the player right-click to set the icon for their ship, similar to how they can rename a ship. Unfortunately, the icon filter may need an 'Other' category for anything not using the defaults. I don't see it being feasible to include all icons in use.
  20. I'll second this: burning a landing trajectory with the map up only to find I'll be setting down on the night side isn't fun. I love this mod. Fabulous work.
  21. Same here. ...and say goodbye to all those hard-earned 0.22 ribbons... *sniff*
  22. Pfft! KSP is too damn fun to let it sit idle waiting for .23. My probes are still on course, my landers are still in their launch windows, and exploration of the Kerbol system will continue.
  23. Successfully landed on Duna and Ike! This wasn't the most well-planned: plenty of fuel to reach orbit again but not to safely get home, so they're waiting patiently in orbit for a lift home. Sent my first mapping/science sat to Moho, while 6 others are in 100km parking orbit, waiting for their transfer windows.
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