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Everything posted by nismobg

  1. Amazing work Kyle, can u craft some radial structural attachments for those beautiful beasts, just to make this pack even more awesome pls
  2. I got a 7 ships caravan towards Minmus for building a kethane base and an orbital refueling station. Each ships payload is about 75tone . So its quiet the caravan. Of and i forgot the 2 ships following with 1 heavy duty rovers each for orbital-land base randevouze.
  3. Every time I get in space and grab the radial port when I try to attach it nothing happens, then SAVE/reload causes my EVA to be uncontrollable and the radial port on its back un-clickable. This happens all the time. KAS 4.1 P.S. After removing the part in my save from the eva and retrying again it was working properly.
  4. Bug : on Minmus winch + magnet , magnetize = universe big bang everywhere. The force is strong with this magnet. Lol
  5. This update lets you do pretty much anything , you can connect 3rd party parts to each other, use pylons, which i think is enormously awesome to use as pipe hubs, and much much more stuff, just give it some time to iron the bugs. This is the one mod i think this game should have been introduced at the start to begin with by the devs .
  6. I just made this account to thank you for this insanely good mod, its amazing and the possibilities are kerbalimitless!!! However i noticed 2 crashez while setting a new Minmus kethane base, this is exactly what happen: There was container with pipe conectors next to the ground piylon , 1st bug is when i connect one connector for first time the pylon flies and spins slowly on the ground , keep in mind low grav. at Minmus. When i grab it and redo the conection it all goes well after. 2nd . When i did link to pipes and sudenly Jeb starts drifting helplessly away without control and game crashes. Reloaded , saved, reload and again same crash, but after that no mo crashes. Is it possible the crash to be because of a strut near one of the pipe conectors. It was a humongous strut rom the boat parts mod. Anyways, thank you again for this AAA+ mod and keep the fire burning.
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