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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. That's correct. So water is 0.001t/unit, and if you take volume as liters, that's 1 kg/L, which is accurate.
  2. Actually RPM support came back in version 0.7.5, should probably update the OP.
  3. All good, I did a little time travel to predict when it would be available :P.
  4. Well damn did I forget this one. KSP 1.4.5 Switched versioning to min/max implementation These are hamless but rather difficult to deal with.
  5. No problem, sorry it took so long. Hopefully will be faster to update in the future.
  6. SSPXR 1.0.6 Removed KerbalHealth patch, it's now in KerbalHealth (> 3.0) Centrifuges and habitats now adjust their drag cubes when deploying and retracting (you may need to kill your game database file if you're still having issues) Replacement patch for stock docking port now handles VSR correctly Fixed misconfigured collider on 2.5m airlock/docking port
  7. Updated NF Aeronautics to 1.0.1 Added WBIHoverController to appropriate engines to allow VTOL to be easier Reduced the scope of IntakeAtm patch Fixed engine sound playback of Yellowjacket, Hornet
  8. Finally, 1.4.5 support! KSP 1.4.5 Widened valid version range to up to KSP 1.4.99 Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.3.3 Updated ModuleManager to 3.0.7 Removed CRP, KerbalActuators from distribution Split pack: only Mk4 fuselage profile parts remain. Rest moved to Near Future Aeronautics Updated NF Props to 0.3.4 Fixed RPM patch
  9. All added liquid CRP resources were baselined at 1 L/unit, whereas KSP base units are 5 L/unit.
  10. Implementing will be faster - I have in fact done it, but I need to spend some time testing it. Already known! I would rather you PR it into the mod so you have full control.
  11. Nope this is untrue, unless you turn them off yourself. Only heat mechanics die at high warp, and that's a "feature" of KSP itself. As mentioned, none of my stuff actually functions differently in terms of background processing than stock does. Supporting timewarp typically has to be done on the consumer's end. Yes but it's quite low priority. I welcome people fixing this themselves in a PR, I'm done with landing legs. It needs to be docked.
  12. Ah, this is the place I was directing you to post this.
  13. Check the addon dev forum at the end of the month. Glad you resolved it! Thanks for the images, I'll look into it.
  14. Yes, I have not yet added any support from NFE into the pack, wanted to stabilize the engines stats first.
  15. @FreeThinker I would make this CRP 1.x.x, this is what semantic versioning is for. I took account of your changes for the PR too! I suspect it is good to merge now. What items would you see changed?
  16. What does 'fix' mean here? I had a 1-minute look and didn't see any issue.
  17. I had a look, don't see this in my install, just the usual crap behaviour of the stock fairing shader.
  18. Think about why you need that. In reality, if you want to be perfectly realistic, you need to support *all* the sigfigs. In the game, what is the difference? Look at this in terms of refuelling time I guess... assume you fill 1 full tank up per day with a harvester. You can have with 5 orders of magnitude, a representation of fuelling taking between 1 day (100% concentration) and and ~275 years (0.001% concentration). What gameplay value is there in extending this down to 27500 years (2 more orders of magnitude)? Timewarping 275 years for a fillup is already pretty long!
  19. A small oversight, I will correct it. If you've gone through the trouble of enumerating what I must do, you could just create a PR though. en-us.cfg contains the localization strings (or whatever your language of choice is). Intermitted crashing is for sure hard to debug. You can upload full logs to things like Google Drive or Dropbox for free though!
  20. Why is 100 -> 0.001, a total of 5 orders of magnitude of variation, not sufficient to represent abundances from low to high?
  21. Sorry I didn't see this reply. You do have a tiny bit of skin in the game b/c Karbonite would be slightly affected, but I believe this and the associated PR are totally within-parameters
  22. Welcome to new Near Future pack time! Introducing Near Future Aeronautics! Full Screenshot Gallery Well, it's not that new. It basically scoops up all the non-fuselage parts from the MkIV Spaceplane system and makes them available without downloading that rather heavy mod. Also, as a bonus, I retextured everything , made new effects and added some new stuff. In summary, you get: Large Multimode Engines: Big (2.5m), powerful RAPIER-like engines for your wildest spaceplane needs. Large Jet Engines: Hefty atmospheric 2.5m engines - turbofans and turbojets for big aircraft. Advanced Propeller Engines: Super-efficient low speed propfans and turboprops. Lift Fans: Designed specifically for efficient VTOL and available in many sizes, these engines can run on LiquidFuel and air, or be driven electrically for flight in oxygenless atmospheres. You might need a nuclear reactor for that though, can't think were you might find a mod giving those though... Nuclear Jet Engines: Massive, rewarding engines that let you fly almost forever as long as you're in their performance envelope. VTOL Jet Engines: A pair of fast response pretty engine ports that are thrust optimized for VTOLling. Large Nacelles and Intakes: Of course, 2.5m nacelles, aviation fuel tanks, engine pods, precoolers and advanced intakes are available to help out. Let's also give a shoutout to @JadeOfMaar and @Maffif for last-minute testing and screenshot taking.
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