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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. The changes are Appropriate configuration values in the file Model cut up to support rotation Neither of these will do anything in 1.11 save that you will see docking port rotation arrows that do nothing on the model .
  2. I should probably fix it for people who don't have WF though. We'll see. Is there any way I can get away with not needing to install the KSP expansions (due to not owning them) and USI-LS (due to lazy)?
  3. (it still applies to the right engines. but Squad made new engines. This was to make my life hard.)
  4. NF Propulsion 1.3.5 Updated ModuleManager to 4.2.1 Fixed waterfall flare for Colossus showing when engine is off Tuned MPDT sound loop to remove ending click
  5. NF Spacecraft 1.4.3 KSP 1.12 Updated ModuleManager to 4.2.1 Updated NearFutureProps to 0.6.5 Added docking rotation functions to tiny shielded port Ajusted kerbal viewpoints for Nereid pod, should clip less Added more buoyancy to Nereid, should float ok with heatshield, chute and engines attached
  6. It seems unlikely that we would have done much here, to my knowledge there is no such thing as an 'autostrut node'. They're just connected to the various nodes which are in the same place as stock ones. I have lots of experience with randomly exploding and bending stations in KSP, modded or no!
  7. Yes it is intentional. There's no reason that a contract to put an observatory on, say, the poles of the Mun would be invalid :).
  8. The engines from most of my other mods have this too (definitely NFLV). I'm generally thinking it might be the mass balance difference. If you can upload a test craft that you see this with I can take a look (minimum mod count to repro of course)
  9. Yes it should be sorted out now. Ooof, I hope the stray neutrons from the side engines don't uh, go into that main tank stack. No, probably not anytime soon. Use the radial ones in a truss.
  10. Ingame, it has a light and it looks fun. Can't think what I might do to cause this, don't think it's my fault.
  11. It works fine in normal solar system reentries.
  12. Holy bugfixes batman! Added science defs for telescope experiment, previously they used the Visual Observation experiment (thanks @GregroxMun, an actual watcher of the skies who knows relevant things about telescopes) Fixed tiny seam on 1.875m medium crew tube Removed Restock light module on docking port replacement Increased rotation rate of base leg feet Corrected some base leg foot orientations Adjusted contract generation: domes may now be requested for surface bases but typically not stations Added new parts to KeepFit patch Added new parts to Snacks! patch I tuned up what patches I could understand but I have no idea what's going on the with TAC patch (most of it is commented out??) and the MKS stuff seems like it is being handled here.
  13. These are a lot more work to address than you think... I'll try to remember but you should really fix your github login and put them there. Don't know when I'll look at NFS next
  14. You could be running into an engine-heavy issue. I don't seem to have any issues when I play, but because the LH2 volume is so large for a low mass, you may not have an ideal CofM for your rocket. I suppose one of the other things is that all the engines in my mods have a non-instant gimbal response (something like 6 degs/s). I have found if it's not fast enough (2/s) this will cause SAS issues. You could try removing this line or setting it to false and seeing if that helps.
  15. It seems to work for me, you have reflections turned on? The probe is significantly more muted than the stock 'perfect chrome' look.
  16. I'm sure there's a way, and I'm sure it has to do with drag cubes, and I'm sure it'll be icky.
  17. There are 24 Beta radiators (4 on each side of 3 fins) at 60 kW each. Which doesn't add up. Hmm. Maybe actually discovered a bug somewhere because somehow that manages to cool the engine!
  18. I'd prefer not to mess with the mass and cost of parts. Stuff changing in the presence of MKS is one thing, as it is a massive change to how the game works, but USI-LS seems to be something you could drop into a save halfway through and messing with masses of stuff in flight is bad. I don't particularly have a stake in how MKS works, but in my opinion full switchability of functions isn't desirable because it removes all gameplay uniqueness from parts. I would suggest more limited switching based on roles, but above all else the patch should function in terms of how MKS works, if a user installs SSPX alongside MKS they shouldn't have to learn new mechanics and concepts.
  19. I know about this and don't know how to fix it.
  20. There is though, your ship's parts have temperature above 0K because of ambient heat etc. So the radiators are pulling all that heat to themselves! Why? Who knows! Just so you're clear, heat rejection values depend only on two things: surface area and loop temperature. More heat rejection would just mean bigger ;). I'm not really sold on dedicated aerodynamic radiators. It may be a little hard to see, but see what I did here? This is 8 MW of radiators - more in atmosphere due to convection. A little hacky because they don't get occluded so 'realistically' it is only 4 MW. In my opinion if you want truly aerodynamic radiators that aren't just kinda... fins, you should build them yourself out of wing and surface mounted radiator parts like this. More dynamic and varied static options will accomplish this without the need for me to sink time and resources into it - it will allow catering to more users than configurations of aero radiators I can realistically make. It also looks sweet. So to that end this is the set of footprints proposed for the fixed radiators of the three size classes (tiny, small, med). The purple small box at the front is 1x1, the size of the small KSP structural panel (some existing HC radiators shown as well as a 1.25m fuel tank for comparison). You can see that this should give a lot of flexibility in placing on surfaces like wings or trusses, or using as fins. Perhaps, but that's out of scope for now. Going to try to do smaller pieces of updates for now.
  21. That's not really my fault, that's the stock glow thing, they're still working as stock radiators, removing stock heat and heating themselves up. Beta, Gamma, Delta. But they'll be soft deprecated for ages so don't worry.
  22. So, this mod near-future update scope: Wraparounds: Add 0.625, 1.875, 5m wraparound radiators Make wraparound radiators switchable to 1x/2x/4x heights (probably?) Static high temperature radiator fins: Remove medium, large, x-large high temp radiator fins Make all fins surface attachable so you can lego them together like the static microchannels Make tiny radiator fin model switchable to 1x/2x/4x/8x lengths (length means extending away from the craft) New small radiator fin, approximately 4x the width of the tiny, 1x, 2x, 4x lengths New medium radiator fin, approximately 2x the width of the small, 1x, 2x, 4x lengths Probably mock up some models this week.
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