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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. SSPX update Fixed functioning of 5m lab's airlock Fixed missing backside of 1.25m docking port replacement Fixed skinning error on Doughnut centrifuge Added Stress support to the Snacks patch Added SSPXR-TAC-ScienceDisableFix.cfg that disables TAC patches on the science labs to resolve TAC bug
  2. I think that's right. NTR heat production is the 'excess' and a solid core NTR doesn't create a lot of excess. It is realted to the bit where the scylla has a power generation loop. KA 1.3.3 Updated CryoTanks to 1.6.4
  3. CryoEngines 2.0.6 Updated CryoTanks to 1.6.4 Fixed VAB on-ness of Tharsis/Pavonis glows
  4. Waterfall 0.8.1 is up Fixed an issue that would cause the mod to not be compatible with KSP < 1.12.
  5. Waterfall 0.8.0 is up Significant rewrite of controller and controller UI code. This resulted in a change to how generated configs look, but existing configs should work fine (thanks ArXen42 for all the hard work for this) Improvements to UX for controller selection and configuration Added an error notification when you try to add an effect with an invalid effect parent Some refactoring of UI code in various areas Redid color picker for significantly better UX Added the ability to save (within a game session) color swatches to copy/paste between effects and materials Shader bundles can now be loaded from anywhere in gamedata (anything with a .waterfallshaders extension) Shader bundles are loaded alphabetically and replace existing shaders in the order loaded. e.g if xyz.waterfallshaders contains a shader with the same name as abc.waterfallshaders, the one from xyz.waterfallshaders will be used Shader improvements Additive (Volumetric) shader: fixed excessive noise bug the _Noise setting is now 5 times more sensitive (divide your old _Noise setting by 5 to get previous behavior) you may need to slightly increase your _FadeOut setting if your old setting was below 0.5 start and end tints will no longer depend on Fresnel or InvertedFresnel settings (so your old color gradient may need some readjustments) added FresnelFadeIn setting so you can gradually fade in the Fresnel effect starting from the nozzle exit. Echo (Dynamic) shader: echo spacing (_EchoLength) setting will now properly scale with the mesh scale new _ExpandLength setting stretches the individual echos
  6. This is not a realism mod and trying to tune things based on jet power is going to fail miserably every time. Things are done for balance, not realism.
  7. I don't want to do this at the moment but it's something I've considered for the future.
  8. It may be some general weird issue with the ground anchors. Every time squad added a new mechanism I had to spend ages retuning the thermal system so it wouldn't go screw itself, I haven't done that with those parts (and I don't intend to which is why I wrote SH)
  9. Yes you can do this, it is pretty easy to do. You may find that I have fudged the coolant tanks' volume already to be higher.
  10. Need info. Please provide KSP version, mod version, log files, mods installed, confirmation that ALL dependencies are installed. Very unlikely to be this mods fault, either an installation error or some exotic conflicting mod is most likely.
  11. Zero. Do I have to release something to fix this or is this on TAC?
  12. You need to enable the editor in the settings file. It's possible CKAN overrode changes to it.
  13. Glad that solved it. The fuel transfer system changes the transfer rules for nuclear fuel in the appropriate times. When you have the 'use crossfeed rules' setting on, KSP uses the 'can fuel flow' rules instead of the 'can fuel be transferred' rules. Because nuclear fuels can never flow, this bypasses the system. I can't really override the 'can fuel flow' rule, because that would have fairly weird consequences.
  14. Shouldn't be that. It's just the normal fuel transfer system that all the rest of KSP uses, so if you can use that, you can use this. In terms of why it's not working, do you have the settings option for "Fuel Transfer obey crossfeed rules" enabled?
  15. Cool beans bro. Waterfall 0.7.1 Changed the default blend mode of all additive-type effects to One One, this is controlled by a new Settings item called EnableLegacyBlendModes Fixed the Thrust controller which was not working right (al2me6) Fixed material picker texture name throwing an error (al2me6) Fixed color editor window being too wide
  16. That is as intended. Just try transferring the fuel in the usual KSP way.
  17. Some significant work by @Nessus_ and @Knight of St John this update. I'll let them describe further but: Waterfall 0.7.0. New shaders: Waterfall/Additive (Volumetric), Waterfall/Additive Cones (Volumetric), Waterfall/Additive Echo (Dynamic) by KnightOfStJohn Added new workflow: volumetric for new shaders Fixed randomness seed for different effects on different parts not working right Made material labels a little clearer in the Material Editor
  18. Sorry I didn't see this before. The rule for CTT is that at least two mods must want a node and must agree on its parameters. This was not enforced in the early days and it's why we have all these garbage nodes used by one mod everywhere. It is not quite easy to add a node with MM so there is not really a need to put this at the top anymore.
  19. A user had this bug on the last page and said it had something to do with TAC.
  20. This is generally correct below - if you need more go to the MM thread. There is technically syntax to edit FloatCurves but I find it more trouble than it's worth. @PART[name]:AFTER[YourDirectives] { @MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch] { @SUBTYPE[theSubtypeName] { @MODULE { @DATA { your stuff} } } } } It's more accurate to say I specifically exclude tweakscale from compatibility work.
  21. They can take any gas that can be ionized, setting all these up is not worth it (new plumes, stat balance, etc) Besides, the stock MM engine module can only handle two modes. Would need to write new code. Already exists: https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/SystemHeat/tree/master/Extras/SystemHeatIonEngines They seem to work fine for most people. You'll need to provide more information. Did you make the parts with SystemHeat part modules? It seems like you just made them with stock modules. If you do that, you'll have to edit the SH patches to make ones for your new parts. Intentional. Similar to the stock engines there is a lot of hardware that's 'supposed' to be up front. Tweakscale is unsupported.
  22. Yup. So generally (and I didn't check everything, hence the hedging) MKS modules have one converter or harvester module which is modified by the swap options. So targeting that module should work.
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