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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Make anything you want. Basically, I want to demonstrate just how creative you can be with the game.
  2. So, a while ago, control surfaces stopped flicking to either extreme the moment you hit a key; now they move up and down slowly and smoothly, giving slight control when they start moving and full control when they stop. (Right? ) However, engines and SAS is still all-or-nothing. Should this be fixed/changed? Personally, I'd like it more, as it would open up the land of large engine gimbals. If you have an engine with a 90 degree gimbal, and you hit "w", suddenly you're thrusting 90 degrees to your previous vector. With the new system you could hit "w" until your gimbal was at the right spot. (and then start tapping to keep it there.) EDIT: Argh, I meant to put up a poll, but "enter" apparently made it submit a new thread.
  3. Hmm.... that orbit is suspicious. Oh. That's not stock, is it? Those parts are odd.
  4. Well, considering that you never, ever see them with a helmet off outside (The VAB has a massive air curtain to keep outside "outside".), they may not breath any gas familiar to us at all. Or they might not breathe, period.
  5. Starwhip


    Oh. Oh, that's clever. Well, onwards to the next one, I suppose.
  6. http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220271-lazor-system It's called the "Sunbeam" laser or something. (Out of the several lasers there. The rest of them don't actually destroy things) Skip to 1:30 to see it in action.
  7. I'd like a crown, but they're hard to come by. Not many kings or queens or princesses these days, and the ones that are still around have all sorts of evil guards with their nasty guns. I think I can see the Sea Lord.
  8. I sometimes am serious, sometimes not. "Site of the Munbooster I landing. Commemorated to the transfer stage which took us here, that perished without remorse." And "Dammit, we blew up the engine. I blame Bob. --Jebediah Kerman"
  9. Exactly what I just said. Also, there's a typo in the title. ("disarster")
  10. So..... a thrust limiter? I think I know what you mean, and the way that I would implement it would be having a "Minimum Thrust" slider (in kilonewtons), that when the engine is on (And throttle is not zero), it can never go below that thrust. Also, replacing the thrust limiter with a kilonewton readout, instead of a percentage, for transparency reasons, and renaming it to "Maximum Thrust". If you were to put the Min and Max sliders in the same spot, the thrust would not change. Such a system would allow for other things as well: VTOLs that can't go below a certain descent rate, for example.
  11. Aesthetics are always getting in the way for you too, huh? Looks great.
  12. The main ship, Munbooster I, is completed. Looks half-decent, has everything the lyrics say it should, and is fully-functional as a Mun landing and return craft. I've started recording a bit, too; both audio and video.
  13. Welcome back. Not all that much has changed in your absence.
  14. Ehwah? That's interesting!
  15. Reason may or may not be that they are arbitrary. Warranty void if developers admit that propellant resource units are arbitrary.
  16. Gets a moderator lock. Inserts charging cable.
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