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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. I can't believe I managed to go this far. Check out Kuzzter's challenge. Evel Kerbivel's Minmus Rover Jump Off Challenge
  2. I'm SO doing this challenge... Rover on the left is the one I'm using now, the one on the right didn't have Science!! to do. I was a little hasty. EDIT: Apparently I'm still hasty. TWO kerbals. EDIT2: Hanfurt and Mituki are ready to roll!
  3. Ack, too many moderators! Go moderate, shoo! Where's zekes?
  4. Don't do that! *knocks water out of ear* What's that sonny? 1.3 kilometers? (1.6 km, if you can't see the image. 412 meters maximum height.) I recorded this one.
  5. That's actually a great idea: Who can go the farthest, and the highest? And according to common sense, the guy who went highest went farthest, assuming they had the same ramp. (If they didn't have the same ramp, props to the guy who went either much lower or much higher than average!) EDIT: This is interesting: The farther you go, the farther you go, because of Minmus' curvature. So every 0.1 m/s of speed on that ramp really matters! EDIT2: How is everyone else getting their rovers/ramps to Minmus? Though I'll start HyperEditing the next time I update the rover. (or ramp)
  6. Released 0.5.1, once it was confirmed there were no bugs.
  7. Actually, it's very surprising to me that I rarely see anyone I don't recognize. Though that's probably because the less common members are just that: less common. Still, there's a large number of users that I see nearly every day... And yes, congratulations! (We're congratulating a bunch of data on a server... )
  8. A thousand pardons. The TARDISerator. (I think) Damn, he changed it. DuoDex it is.
  9. If SAS devices are OK, I see a potential problem: numbers become inaccurate. My screenshot is evidence: 1.3 km is all that it shows. I believe that with MechJeb or Kerbal Engineer, you can display the total distance. Meanwhile, I'll be making a video of the run. Hopefully, I'll be able to go even faster.
  10. Ye gods, that background. Me needs to do that now.
  11. Yes. It's a problem. They seem to have built the pad out of what they had on hand: Rocks and Solid Rocket fuel.
  12. I hit the ramp at approximately 27.5 m/s. It was exciting.... I passed Foxster's record while still about 100 meters in the air! EDIT: Max height was 331 meters, for anyone interested.
  13. I believe that magnetic pulling is pushing it. (Huh, huh? ) And anyway, I doubt the pull is strong enough.
  14. Starwhip


    What's up with this? "Last edited by cantab; Today at 08:56. Reason: Eats, shoots and leaves." A hint?
  15. "ModuleManager applied 15942 patches" 10/10
  16. I know what you're thinking, it was what I tried first. However, there is a large problem unless your design compensates. If you are only using onboard SAS and your wheels, rotating on the ramp will push you in the opposite direction of the ramp surface. For every action, an equal and opposite reaction. And you don't want to do this, because you will slow down. If your "arm" went around the ramp and pushed on the very top edge or the bottom, you might have a shot. But that also might be against the rules.
  17. Whoah, what now? When? Why? I must do some investigating.
  18. Example of the hopping method: Here the rover is under it's own power: it hasn't even touched the ramp yet. I've just gotta time it right... If I hop over the ramp, it will suck.
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