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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Well, it's being a you-know-what right now. Even with the whole setup, no fire. Followed instructions to the dot.
  2. Welcome aboard, ollymonger! Hope to see you somewhere, soon.
  3. Proud to announce that I'm back up and running!
  4. 10/10 for Legend of Zelda. (And necroposting )
  5. Yeah, the video-embedding here on the forum is a bit temperamental. :\ They sometimes work, sometimes don't. They're not up for me either.
  6. Esinohio, could you point me in the direction of how to make fire in Cycles Render? I can't seem to do it.
  7. I've been trying to get some fire going for Cycles, and have failed miserably. Oh, well, GIMP will have to do. Coming up: Jon144's K-22 RKAS fighter!
  8. No, he's out to lunch. Zekes, did you die?
  9. Starwhip

    1000! Wahoo!

    Oh, hey, look at that.
  10. Here's a tip: KSP doesn't care if stuff goes through struts. You can have a wall of struts around your arms or rotor and a separate ship going right through them, and it won't even notice.
  11. I'm on a roll today... Stealth Cruiser is really overpowered! (Also, this weapons combination is REALLY nice! ) Had the Weapons Pre-Igniter really early on. You hardly need shields at that point.
  12. Final score was 3272. Right now I've just beaten the first stage boss as the Stealth Cruiser model. I get the feeling that I'll get destroyed in the second phase though. I'm not quick enough... Though that cloaking tip may just save me. I've got the Burst Laser Mark III, which lays down five shots and normally at the very least disables their shield for a moment, and the Pike Beam to wreak as much damage as possible. Plus some other stuff: High level engines to dodge, level three shields, and an auto-reloader.
  13. I got it. HA! (It was a little too close...)
  14. Twice in a row now the second phase boss wrecked me. This time I had a formidable weapons loadout: Burst Laser Mark II, Heavy Laser I, and the Ion Cannon, used to obliterate shields, and then some beam weapon to damage a whole bunch of systems. I learn more! (Also, I managed to get my hands on that stealth cruiser thing)
  15. I've beaten the first stage of the final boss! Playing as the Kestrel, and I've only got the Hermes rocket launcher and the starting Burst Laser II. Plus Level III pilots and engine crew members, and crazy-upgraded engines. Gotta dodge that stuff.
  16. Sounds like a station-keeping problem. With your navball in "target" mode (click the text that says "orbit" or "surface" on the top), point retrograde and thrust forward with your engines or RCS thrusters (The "H" key) until your velocity reads 0 m/s, or as close as you can manage. Then try again: Face the target (Purple circle on navball), switch to second ship, have it face the first ship, then thrust forward with either to dock. Should be MUCH easier.
  17. If strategy isn't your cup of tea, don't waste your money on a strategy game. I've been playing Emperor: Battle for Dune for about ten years and I still haven't won, but I still play it, because I like strategy games. As for FTL, I started last night and have died about twenty times. I think I'm learning, though.
  18. Unfortunately, no. But it's planned.
  19. I don't see how anyone would see the new players as incompetent... weren't we all new players once? How long did it take you to learn the basics? A week? And the more advanced stuff comes naturally once the basics are learned, probably at most another month of playtime. Anyways, I'd also like to see this in the game.
  20. Oh, you know what it is? Those are, somehow, REALLY old parts. Like pre-0.18 (I think) Yeah, just wipe it.
  21. Yeah, on the first few, I've been going to as many places as possible because it's easy at that point. I think I made it to the second-to-last sector on my last run with the Torus ship. I've got a pattern now. Target shields, blow 'em up. Loose everything on the weapons subsystem. Then go nuts. (Unless they have drones, blow up that one too). I think that a good strategy is having a lot of low-energy, low-recharge time weapons to just lay down a constant barrage. Or a lot of missiles.
  22. God, I've died so many times I can't even count. I will beat this game!
  23. Okay, everyone. Better nip this in the bud now. I've decided to wipe the scoreboard. New entry rules are now in effect. Since the f3 debug menu is so inconsistent, it will no longer be used. Check the "submission guidelines" for the new rules. Once again, good luck!
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