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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Heh, Telemundo did a pi-day bit on us at one of our FRC competitions. I was the one who got lifted into the air like a sack of flour to represent the top part of the symbol.
  2. I wish that I had a GT 630... All I've got is Intel Integrated for i7. (Really, it's not that bad...)
  3. I'm getting to the bottom of this darn distance thing. Scoreboard will be redone shortly.
  4. Here we see something that has gone 1.8 kilometers horizontally, yet neither one nor the other (Ground distance covered, total distance covered) gives an accurate readout. Adding fails to get a result either. How do you figure out how far the object has truly moved horizontally?
  5. Go back and screw with things. Take up a challenge or two. Develop a mod. Take screenshots. Drive rovers. Fling fuel tanks. There's always something you haven't done! Welcome aboard!
  6. Very good question... I'm not entirely sure! But as long as it's consistent among all users, it's the measurement I'll use. EDIT: Unintentional staging error was unintentional.
  7. Read in a bad German accent for full immersion. Hi, there!
  8. Wow, that's cheap! If you don't have it, or a friend wants it, now's definitely the time to buy!
  9. If nothing else, crank down resolution to minimum and turn V-Sync off. That should improve performance dramatically.
  10. This looks like a bad install to me. I'd suggest a full wipe and re-install of all files associated with the game, if reinstalling the GameData folder did not help. If you got the game off of the KSP store, just re-download it. If Steam, try deleting the game from your hard-drive and then re-downloading. (Dunno where it'll be on your OS, but for me it's C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\ksp-0-90-0) EDIT: Do you have Ven's Stock Part Revamp installed? It looks like it! If you delete everything in GameData besides the folders "Squad" and "NASAMission", that should fix your problem. Provided the mod doesn't copy over the original stock parts... TL;DR: Make a clean install with nothing but Squad and NASAMission folders and see if the issue persists.
  11. And that's why I take forever to post things. I find myself visiting and replying to any and all threads that have not received any views or replies yet, pretty much regardless as to what they are about, in order to give the newer members (for those threads are often started by new members) a sense that their opinions matter as much as the longest-active veterans here. Because they do, of course.
  12. I'm not sure I'd have much use for something that large. (And heavy!)
  13. Me at Filmgate Interactive -- Miami, 2015. Second on the left.
  14. That would also be nice. *Goes and fills it with fuel tanks*
  15. Well, then. I hypothesize that Max has been subjected to a mishap in Kerlington's engineering department and is now in a 140,000 meter orbit above Earth. It is our job to save him!
  16. Banned for banning someone for doing something that you often do.
  17. Apart from the visual appeal, I see two reasons: The nodes are close together, making for a VERY flexible attachment point. (Look up KSP Toroidal Spring) And it's a big-ish small-ish fuel tank, if you know what I mean...
  18. Starwhip


    You can also change the light color on the plane landing gear. Welcome to the forum, by the way!
  19. Surely you can slap something together for this challenge. Anyways, the rotor now has RCS engines for acceleration. 500 meters.
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