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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Merging "new posts" with old posts by the same user is default action to keep thread cluttering to a minimum. Though you can make new posts after the old one after a certain amount of time, or so I've found in the past.
  2. I'm just chock full of these random things lately, aren't I? Any of you radio folks out there might be able to shed some light on this for me. Imagine a creature with some sort of ferrous appendage or body part (Say, it's spinal cord or some other lateral formation). Given the right circumstances and biological functions, could it act as a radio antenna for transmitting or receiving? Not that these signals would be travelling very far, or have much power. Speaking of power, how much would be needed for this kind of communication? (Say, one kilometer?) There exist organisms on Earth that can biologically generate high-voltage currents (Electric eels, for one), so it's not out of the realm of possibility. A radio transmitter requires a modulator circuit, for which I believe the animal's brain could work. I don't know about organic amplifiers or impedance matchers, as I don't understand exactly how they work. Forget whatever evolutionary limitations you know of for a moment, all I want to find out is if this is possible. If we deem it possible, I'd like to go into more detail with this theory. But that's for a later date, first things first. Is it possible?
  3. The Original. (Now it's transparent. And smaller.)
  4. What's your radius? I get the feeling it's throwing you off there. (Gilly-level bumpiness isn't very bumpy on a Mun-sized body)
  5. Or was it... Yeah, unless the thing's hard-coded into the game, it's gone. Not in any of the standard folders. Please put it back? Maybe the ore-rich asteroids will have the "Magic Boulder" look.
  6. Whatever you used to make the mod happen, and is of your own creation, is your source code. (I think. If you get sued don't come after me, though I'm 95% certain.)
  7. Then either Spore: Hero Arena or Spore Creatures, Nintendo DS. (Gahd, those are old now). Had everything completed save for a single. Impossible. Objective. I'm not entirely sure whether or not they forgot the coding for the objective.
  8. Interesting. It seems that the most relevant answers point towards dexterity and environment manipulation in the form of hands or assorted grasping mechanism. Also, speed, and decently sized brains (Though size does not directly correlate with intelligence) and bodies. Other factors: Communication Passing down of knowledge Coordination between members of a species Or, in other words, I was on track in my own analysis. Thanks for the responses, everyone. EDIT: Don't stop, though, if you've got more to say.
  9. Hmm... that's odd. I'd call Kasper.
  10. Does physically abusing the game cartridge count?
  11. Heh... Heh heh. "Landed." Well, he's probably stuck somewhere in the Astronaut Complex waiting for me to finish my latest craft. (He'll be waiting a few weeks.)
  12. *Couples three mail cars full of chocolate to end of HypeTrain* Happy Easter, KSP! EDIT: Just think how much faster we'll go when everyone starts getting hyped off of the combination of chocolate and binge-KSP playing...
  13. What must a species have, physically, in order establish a "human" civilization? (Use tools, cook, build structures, etc.) Say we could magically put the intelligence of a human into a pig. I doubt that it could do much of anything, because a pig's body lacks the articulation of a human. So what do you think?
  14. Aww, did I miss something cool?
  15. I shall stoke the HypeBoiler with dragonfire! Onwards to 1.0!
  16. Well, it was either "Ore" or "Space-Rock-That-Makes-Fuel". The "graphical enhancements" have me intrigued.
  17. *cough* Eleven *cough* I've got 43 points left to the next level of 900 points. (I'm at 857)
  18. The shadow on the dragon is what gives the "realistic" effect. Even though it's bad. My friend forgot to turn on the high-quality setting, so I tried and failed to make the shadow crummy.
  19. Just a small experiment. First time I've successfully used layer masks in gimp.
  20. Look who I found at our last FIRST competition! (Which one's me? )
  21. Alright! A legitimate entry. The Calcumalator MKIII How to Operate: 1 - Release 1 fuel tank 2 - Release 2 fuel tanks 3 - Release 3 fuel tanks ABORT (Backspace) - Reset legs 0 - Open hoppers for new fuel tanks SEQUENCE: 1 or 2 or 3 ABORT 0 ABORT 1 or 2 or 3 Counting the number of fuel tanks in the bin will give you the answer. Calcumalator MKIII in action! (Minor design flaw, but easy to fix) I'm adding a fence and then putting up the .craft. EDIT: Argh, my game keeps crashing! WHY!?! Download CALCUMALATORMKIII
  22. Oh, you wanna do it the hard way? I'll play like that. Should be fairly simple! EDIT: WIP Concept. EDIT2: OH NOES! I had one that worked and then my game crashed! *Please* be in the "Untitled Space Craft" Thing! *crosses fingers* It was an interesting control scheme: 1, 2, or 3 gives you the corresponding number of fuel tanks. Then the sequence ABORT - 0 - ABORT to reset and load the next fuel tanks, then hit 1, 2, or 3 again. Infinitely scalable.
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