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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Assuming there is still an engine that has a TWR greater than 1 on the surface of Eve, it is possible.
  2. I swear to God that if it is another April Fools joke... I don't know what I'll do. But hey, if they can do it two weeks early, they can do it two weeks late.
  3. We shall blockade the Internet whilst the ROUND-8 is not there! Someone fly an autogyro onto Squad's lawn and deliver our message!
  4. For some reason this is quite depressing.... I hope you come back here soon. Anyways, congrats, nightingale!
  5. I'm here with the rest in saying that we'll be ready and raring to go help once you let us help you, SymbolicFrank. But so far there has been no basis on which we may help. I also see that some of us have failed in trying to help you. "You have no evidence, so we cannot assist you" is not constructive at all. So, here are some things you can do. One: reinstall everything. Be sure to follow the instructions very carefully. This usually is my problem; I'll accidentally put the mod one folder too deep in GameData, but reading over it again and trying a second time works. Two: put up your craft, in screenshot, file, or both forms. We may be able to tell you what is wrong then. Three: Show us your GameData directory. If it has the wrong folders, we can sometimes tell. I have played with FAR and MechJeb before, and it requires a certain level of skill to set up your ascent correctly. I gave up after I realized that I could pilot the ship in the FAR environment better than MechJeb could with the suboptiomal settings, but that doesn't mean you should, or that it is the right course of action.
  6. Okay, fine. I admit that it might not be a good idea to fly over people. Stupid civilization, always getting in the way of progress. Sometimes literally. Two solutions. Move the people. Make the barge bigger.
  7. A very, very good point, Fel. I admit that sometimes I wish for a mod to be added because it would please me. But most of the time I want a mod, or a change, or a completely new feature added because I feel that it would make the game better. Sure, the game should be fun. But I think that realism makes it fun. So the souposphere makes whacky contraptions possible. So jet engines are unrealistic and fun to use to go at stupid speeds at unreasonable altitudes. So what? Kerbal Space Program is a game about space exploration. It is a game about building things to meet your goals, whether those goals are to land a kerbal on Pol or to reach the speed of light, or to blow up in the most spectacular way possible. It is a game in which there are no limits, besides patience and creativity. You know this. Squad knows this. And I don't think Squad will ever destroy the spirit of the game for the sake of a single feature. And that is my one-point-five cents. The other point-five is at home with my laptop. Mobile touch keyboards suck.
  8. Starwhip


    Methinks you got it.
  9. I will do a thing with my avatar as soon as I can. You "save the round-8" guys will love it.
  10. They're getting really close. Why are they landing on a barge, though? Why not the middle of nowhere, on solid ground, where it would be easier to land? I suppose the cleanup after a failed landing, but still...
  11. Yes, indeed. Thank you for all the time and effort you have devoted to the Kerbal Community. But perhaps the thanks extends beyond the moderators. The Community as a whole should give itself a big pat on the back for keeping itself clean. You moderators set the example, and the Community follows in your footsteps. Thank you all.
  12. It is an unfortunate change, but it will not affect me personally. And we can't expect everything to stay the same forever. Especially with the 1.0 update. But still, I will most likely make a .cfg fix for it. And if no one else puts it up here, I will.
  13. Does anyone else think that they actually use KSP to simulate their missions? First it misses, then flies into the barge. Now it lands and falls over.
  14. *facepalm* He had both the addons, he said. He fixed kspdir.txt, he said. (It's called the Mohole, by the way) Anyway, cool craft!
  15. Cubing Octagonal Struts Coupling Decouplers Packing Parachutes Repairing Wheels Lighting Lights Completing Contracts Creating Potatoroids Maneuvering Manually Compiling the Compiler Distributing Biomes Prodding Pod Bay Doors Warping Time Clamping Launch Clamps Detonating Launchpad Calculating Blast Awesomeness
  16. Filling Fuel Tanks... Applying IVAs... Calculating Delta-V... Enhancing Atmosphere... Quantifying Qualifications... Vectoring Thrust... Squaring Lift...
  17. Whoah, yeah, circularize at periapsis beforehand. That orbit is way too elliptical. Not that you couldn't land with that orbit, but circularizing will be much simpler.
  18. I just gave a few people their first rep points. It's great to see what the new members have to offer.
  19. The heat ray would love to have a word with your country's armed forces. Though I agree, just drone-strike the stuffing out of them and we'll be alright. Or lure them out into the middle of nowhere and nuke 'em, as the public would say.
  20. The current tech tree is in tiers, correct? Well, what if in this system, once you unlock a certain number of nodes on a tier in the building "tech tree", the building mesh gets upgraded? I like this idea, it has a lot of potential.
  21. I can't give you the details of afterwards, as I terminated the mission after that shot was taken. What happened before was that I had created a hacked engine with 10,000 kN of thrust, attached it to a probe core, turned on infinite fuel, and launched. It tore itself apart within moments, and promptly bought a one way ticket to the Acceleration Station. If I recall correctly, it was still accelerating at a rate of about 1c every ten seconds at the time of taking the screenshot. Read that again. Not 1g, 1c. As in 299,792,458 m/s EDIT: Oh, yeah, it was also spinning uncontrollably.
  22. Then shouldn't it be just a = (V - V0) / (t - t0)?
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