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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. If I can hit 40 m/s on takeoff, I should be able to exceed 3,000 meters. Would it be legal for the rover to have a plane landing gear on it, if it can be powered by the electric wheels as well? I may make something really crazy. *goes to scribble on a blackboard* (BTW, 39.33 m/s is 88 mph... )
  2. Yep. Take this, for example. Can torque itself over in any direction indefinitely.
  3. Sure! Lifter included for convenience. Minmus Rover "1" should toggle the reaction wheel bank.
  4. Was... was the ramp a loop? Oh. OH. I've given myself a great idea Don't know if it'll work, but should make for some good footage.
  5. I'd say that's the only way. He did mention he bent a rule. Anyhow, for such a ridiculous speed, I'd say we need more evidence before making it an official entry.
  6. I've been clipping a fuel tank inside the 3.75-2.5 meter adapter, because I find it's too large to just waste that much space. And the Rockomax Brand Adapter, but the new C7 aerospace ones basically make it useless. I'd love to see adapters become fuel tanks: if you don't need the fuel, just empty the tanks!
  7. Banned for quotes with no author!
  8. Just pulled of a 2.0 kilometer jump a few minutes ago. Maybe I can do more. I've gotta shed some weight and redo that ramp.
  9. He's out messing with a jet. I call upon jake9039!
  10. I brought it back to 4 stars. Hadn't voted yet anyways. And an update would be nice.
  11. Starwhip


    Asteroids, I think. Or rocks. Carbon-dating?
  12. Congratz, onwards to 2,000.
  13. I may have discovered a workaround for the modular separators. If I made them physicsless, I believe they would stop spazzing out. Also, the next version is going to have better textures... expect a nicer color, cleaner engine nozzles, and perhaps some small detailing. The nozzle shapes should also be done by the release of v0.6.0, stay tuned!
  14. What the... you must have glitched *something* out! I is very confused. EDIT: Oh, I see. That's a mostly physicsless rover.
  15. I DIDS IT! Hard to see in the second image... whoops. I don't think I can get the rover going any faster (30 m/s)... ramp time! Max height: 561 meters.
  16. New, gentler curve (5-degree snap restriction), and the last bit is straight for three segments. I'll also redo the rover, make it lighter (and nicer-looking) I shall hit 2 kilometers! EDIT: The only conceivable problem here is the landing, as demonstrated in the video above... I may need to do something radical.
  17. Very well said! I feel like this a lot, though lately I've been unusually active.
  18. In Docking mode, double-tapping the Spacebar lets you activate "hold" mode, where holding down the spacebar puts you in the second mode (rotation if you are in linear, linear if in rotation), and letting go reverts. Double-tapping again disables.
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