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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Banned for an excess of avatars! (There's to many! Fall back!)
  2. Part heating makes no sense. Hopefully the next update will address it.
  3. I've always done it the "pointy" way. I'm not going to need anything new, because in my book aesthetics = realism. And I make my rockets aesthetic.
  4. Well, that's good. Be careful about what you're listening to, though, or the KGB might be after you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judica-Cordiglia_brothers (Maybe not the KGB, but yeah, you get the idea)
  5. Starwhip


    I volunteer Xannari Ferrows as tribute! (Or, you know, whoever else steps up before him)
  6. *raises eyebrows* This sounds mildly against the law... Is it?
  7. You suddenly into space. Struggling to hold your breath, you manage to last the full thirty seconds before you expire. No Heart of Gold is coming to rescue you. I wish that I had unlimited internet access.
  8. And it has a cloaking device! XD EDIT: Did you say, "Anti-Ship Missile"? DIE!
  9. You had a Christmas tank signature at one point. 8/10
  10. Not a clicky-picture? 5/10.
  11. "Kerbal Space Program" After all, isn't that what they are releasing?
  12. I fully suspect it has something to do with the MODULE { name = ModuleCrossFeed } Though I don't know how to fix it. Try getting rid of those lines (Or, comment with //) and then reload.
  13. MLWostal, could you put up the config of the other part? (The one that breaks the staging.) Use [noparse] [/noparse] tags to make it scroll.
  14. Wait. What are we saying? The engine works? Put a screenshot of the three scenarios, I'm confused.
  15. MLWostal and I have been trying to fix this over PM. I got the engine to thrust fine in my game: But transferring the GameData directory did not work. We're going to figure it out, darn it!
  16. Yeah, you're missing a decoupler. Fairly easy mistake, too, I've forgotten decouplers on my stages sometimes. Landing is not pretty at that point.
  17. In the top left corner, you can click to 1x warp from any warp, so it is possible. (I think, never use that GUI anyhow.)
  18. [ahem]Title has typo: "Most foolish think you heard in movie or tv series"[/ahem]
  19. 10/10. Fellow Big Three poster.
  20. Yeah, I had a similar suggestion. Probably better to ramp down quickly, though, as timewarp gets funky when stopping from high multipliers. Still, better than hammering the key!
  21. Why is everyone becoming a moderator? 10/10
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