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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. GASH DURN IT, put that thing in a [noparse]) [/noparse] tag! (I almost looked at it!
  2. Starwhip


    Jah, ju is correct. Someone fetch zekes.
  3. Banned for staring at the... whatever it is.
  4. Gosh darnit, I should know this! It doesn't sound right... but "Super Star Destroyer"?
  5. That thing is borderline nightmare fuel, man!
  6. Starwhip


    Distorter of Light, found nearby, in places few. Nearly always a refreshing sight, the component of life anew. It's still zekes' turn, I'm just keeping the thread alive. (zekes, where'd you go?)
  7. Let's see.... 132 points. ... ... I've got a while to go.
  8. Sal, what the heck, are you in stealth mode or something? The little light by your name isn't on. Multiplayer will be great for ship battles and the like. Or just messing with friends. (Fun is pretty much the best answer.)
  9. 7/10 Interesting. What's your basis?
  10. No. (AGH, is your username really salvager?!?! I always said it like "Sal" and then "Vager"!) PenguinsMeep.
  11. So. Much. This. Get out a sheet of paper. Write down your contracts. Then write: -Staging -Parachutes -Lights -Ladders -Wheels -Canards -Intakes -Power -RCS -Crew -Action Groups One by one, check off each item before you launch. Then write a flight plan. -This contract in Mun Orbit -That one on Minmus surface -Science data from Kerbin -&c. And then profit.
  12. I punt you back to Antarctica. My hill.
  13. There was no runway, Jeb broke it for the third time this week! You forgot to put the fuel lines in the Asparagus Launcher.
  14. 8/10 Yeah, stare at your fingers.
  15. Huh, I never posted here? Well, now I have. Hello, everyone!
  16. They make "in atmosphere" flying contracts much, much easier. And if you don't drop parts, which on a plane is very rare, they return nearly all funds put into them (except fuel). I use them to test bits and bobs that come up in Mission Control when I've got nothing better to do.
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