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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. I do have a question for you guys (being new to racing in KSP) how do you guys get your crafts to go that fast? I would say that your time is not determined by your speed, but your turning, acceleration and timing. Note my run. I stuck to the track more than you did. Kyrian said that the line is the "Optimal Racing Line", and it seems to be true. Next: Are you using 4 wheel drive? If not, do. And are all your wheels steering? They should be. How often do you use the RCS thrusters? If you drive in docking mode, they are on whenever you are hitting "W", which for me is 99.9% of the time. (Except for a split-second on the really sharp turns.) I've got <2 units left at the end of the course.
  2. It needs power, and I'll be willing to stick some Gigantors up there!
  3. 4/10 Um, I can't remember where I saw you, but I remember the username.
  4. Getting confused as to which thread you're posting in?!? CHEATING!
  5. Uh oh. Batten down the hatches! Engage thrusters, put us in an inclined retrograde orbit!
  6. parameciumkid, that made my day. BACK ON TOPIC! Osrucsid elbod el recah ratart a etnemelberroh ellaf.
  7. Here's a bright idea: Don't try to unlock the tech tree in 3 flights. You don't need to go to Minmus with the Tier 0 parts.
  8. How can you live at GMT -3.5? Only cheaters have time manipulation devices that make this possible.
  9. One resubmission, eh? Well, then, as I cannot seem to squeeze even a single second off this new time, I will submit MY FINAL RUN. One minute thirty-eight seconds. 1:38. Started at 2:00 Ended 3:38 And that's all, folks!
  10. So may I. How are you taking the turns? Here's an example of mine. The blue areas are the places where I actually slow down a bit, and the white I just ease off the gas for a moment before punching it again. Everywhere else is full-on RCS aided boost. (The second sharp turn (upper right) is the only place that my car has had any difficulty. I went up on two wheels on my 1:40 lap. It can take turns at maximum speed, around 30 m/s, for about 3-5 seconds before it begins to roll, by which time I've generally taken the whole turn.)
  11. Oooh, look at this. This isn't my entry, as I've already submitted one, but I shaved my time by two seconds. I declare the FRD Sprinter V6 to be a competent car.
  12. Eh, good enough, I'll stick with this one: 1:42 (Started 2:00, ended 3:42) Path: Put two extra Cubic Octagonal Struts on the front wheels, to extend their base, removed the body wings, and adjusted the rear spoiler to give it more front downforce. Also, reduced the camber on the wheels.
  13. Starwhip


    Jah. 'Tis your turn, sir.
  14. Starwhip


    M... me? Hokay, I'll get one pronto. EDIT: One in a million, standing up thin and tall, but even the slightest breeze may cause me to fall. Ripping raw life from underneath my feet, In terms of pure energy, I am quite hard to beat.
  15. I might as well do a complete redesign. .-. It needs a wider turning circle, and better acceleration. Do you think it's a good idea to strip the RCS tank? It weighs 0.96 tons without it, so it's still legal, and it accelerates nicely. (Also, the side wings literally do nothing, no lift, no (wait, mass and drag, DERP!)
  16. Correct! I will attempt to summon the Redshifted Ferrous Headgear...
  17. Is it anti-clockwise? The image won't load. EDIT: Aahhh, it is! (The image loaded) That explains a lot.0-0 GRRR.... I was hitting that stupid hairpin turn at like 25 m/s and flipping every time.
  18. Starwhip


    Claim? What does that mean?
  19. This course is harder than expected: I've gotten about 2:10 before, but in shaving down the lap time I keep crashing. 0-0 I need to practice a bit.
  20. Banned for Activating the Rights of Mud.
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