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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. *Gasp* How did you know?!? Engineer of Stuff.
  2. Start-Finish Line is the walkway to the Astronaut Complex, correct? Gonna do this tomorrow! (Might modify my car *just* a bit)
  3. Eehhh, I guess that makes sense. 0-0 I have a bit of a "Forum Personality" as well... I try to be as human as possible here. Well, at least the wall of text about mud that was your signature is now gone. Progress!
  4. *poof* Your new car is materializes directly above your head. I wish for a single, palm-sized gold doubloon sitting motionless on the table before me.
  5. Well, you've got me there. I haven't seen any posts outside of the Space Lounge that pertain to mud, so I guess you're still clean. *One person slow clapping in a vast audience* Dammit, why did I make that pun? But don't go spreading it everywhere.
  6. Yes, but Here is not the place. And who hates mud anyways? Most people I know don't go out of their way to set fire to mud puddles...
  7. *sigh* @OP: I'll try to be as polite as possible. No one cares (not a mean tone, more of a fact) about what your opinions on mud are. That means that if you said nothing, we would be quiet in turn. It is only when you bring stuff like this up that we do not have a pleasant reaction. Bribing us by participating in a thread is not going to go down well either, I believe. I find it borderline trolling. And on top of all that, this is a Kerbal Space Program forum, not a mud forum. 'Tis just a teensy bit odd.
  8. Someone from Florida? Hello, neighbor!
  9. 10/10 You're needed in the Riddle thread, get your rear over there!
  10. Starwhip


    Darn it, Vexx, I thought you put up a riddle. I'll PM him and see if he's going to make one or not.
  11. (Dammit, I can't do anything with DERS ) Soup.
  12. (Red Iron Crown, thank you for writing that post, now I don't have to ) 10/10 Unique, stands out for some weird reason. (Oh, I don't know, maybe the HUGE GREEN REP BAR under it )
  13. The face is horrifying... mostly the mouth (It looks like this... )
  14. Here is my version of what the scoring system should EDIT: could (sorry, "should" sounded harsh) be like. Scoring +200 points land at KSC -5 point per part +10 per part that survived (If landed at KSC) +50 points per kerbal that survived (If landed at KSC) +25 points per kerbal that used a escape pod or system Physics load range would have great fun eating crafts... Parts survived divided by the total number of parts times by 100 = your survival ratio Simplified below. Survival Ratio = Surviving Parts / Starting Parts * 100 -500 points per building you destroy at any time during the challenge. +2000 points if you legitimately de orbit you space station (no use of hyper edit) It's incredibly easy to deorbit a station, anyway, so this is practically useless. If you don't land at KSC you may mount a rescue mission and save the survivors +50 per kerbal rescued ADDED: Recovery Score = 10 points per part returned from crash site to KSC Score multiplier X3 hyper edit your Kerbin bound space station to eve and de orbit it there I don't even know why you would do that. EDIT: Oh, and per the challenge posting rules, you need an attempt of your own.
  15. Just whatever stations we've got laying around, right? I've got one ship in orbit. Perhaps include what the station needs to have to qualify? Part count, power, crew, propulsion, whatever.
  16. So... you want us to deorbit a station onto the Kerbal Space Center? Interesting... (That scoring system is whack, though. A 10 part station [or fewer!] would just blow everyone out of the water!)
  17. Try and keep the thread alive, please... I've still got my hill. *cough*hint*cough*
  18. Rampant grammatical errors? Big, bold, underlined text? And in PINK COMIC SANS?!? You're a big fat cheater!
  19. This would be nice. Especially the "adding of resources" bit. Actually, I've always wondered why we couldn't put more of a resource in when we take a portion of the other one out, i.e. oxidizer and liquid fuel. From a coding standpoint it's a little complex, but instead of 2 defined resources you could have something like this: MODULE { name = ResourceContainer capacity = 300 liquidFuel = 150 oxidizer = 150 xenonGas = 0 ... }
  20. Yeah, something's not quite right, but I... just can't figure it out.
  21. That's my hope with the new gizmos they will be releasing.
  22. ... But Nassault's already SQUAD staff...
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