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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Me or you? I can't tell if you're telling me something. I looked at the rules, I still can't see anything banning them.
  2. In one of JasonLii's livestreams, there was Skipper Kerman, Professor Kerman, and Gilligan Kerman. I loved that. Nice shoutout from SQUAD.
  3. That happens sometimes, I think. A: do you have electric charge? and B: how heavy is it?
  4. Um, Rune, Rule 13: 13- Surface to orbit weapons may be fired once per turn,and are exempt from rule 12. They're legal.
  5. There's a UI scaler option in there somewhere. Maybe it would help? Break out the magnifying glass
  6. Yeah, with FAR you can actually use just a capsule (Perhaps a bit of fuselage too) and glide to the KSC from a significant distance. Makes it much simpler to get near-100% recovery values.
  7. That one is nice... looks like a LEGO Mindstorms version of most of my KOS launcher programs, almost. I'd support this for sure. Please!
  8. Starwhip


    Agh, it's plastic, isn't it? Herpity derp.
  9. Starwhip


    Wow, really? "Making models, along with glue" Is it styrofoam?
  10. 8/10 You seem to love the Forum Game section.
  11. Starwhip


    Sounds like you've got it.
  12. Starwhip


    And-a bingo! They do, don't they
  13. 0/10 See y'all none of the time!
  14. Actually, my Intel Pentium processor runs .25 a helluva lot faster than the demo version. KSP was optimized a lot since 0.18.3 or whatever the demo was.
  15. Not uncommon, actually. I've had only one wing explode like that before, and THAT really sucked. It's a bug in the game, sometimes it happens at high altitudes (6000+ meters) and just obliterates your ship.
  16. Starwhip


    Um... no. Think puzzles or games.
  17. Granted. The cup explodes instead. I wish that this past week hadn't been so bad for spaceflight. Two crashes?! Jeez!
  18. I like celery. And carrots. Baby corn from one of those cans.... I don't know if you can call those vegetables, but they have got to be one of my favorites.
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