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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Also a newfangled thing called a refrigerator
  2. We need some rebalancing here, obviously....
  3. Eh, I'd still like that KSP badge or the Mun crash scene. Maybe different shirts? That would be cool too.
  4. Ah, yes, that's a lot better. (My image editing skills are a wee bit rusty. )
  5. Eyup. Heard of the Kraken? Eh, that might not be fixed, but things like fuel tank/engine tweaks and terrain bugs will most likely come first.
  6. It would look like this, in fact
  7. Yeesh, that looks bad. Fuel tank blowout?
  8. Well in that case SQUAD probably has nothing to lose! It would be yet another way to get the public interested in the game. I would probably get one of these, even more so if the other images were added. (oooh, could you stick one of those Retro KSP flag/logo things on there? Maybe on the sleeve?)
  9. Jeez, you (OP) scared me for a moment. I thought this was another one of those should-I-or-shouldn't-I-convert-from-Pirated-KSP thread, and those never end well. Nah, nothing worth much, in my opinion. You have much more fun in the full version, even in Sandbox mode, because of the enhanced freedom of more parts.
  10. The logos would also spread the game around more than just the image shown on the front. Yeah, you should definitely ask SQUAD, because I have no idea if it is entirely legal to do this without the logos... or royalties
  11. I love it! Would suggest a SQUAD and Kerbal Space Program logo, plus a black and white image of the Mun crash scene at startup on the back.
  12. 6/10 Quite a few times before. (Oooh, you found THAT picture )
  13. Hohmann transfer calculator for ju? import math gParam = (3.5316000) * (10**12) bodyRadius = 600000 def findDeltaV1(periapsis,apoapsis): periapsis += bodyRadius apoapsis += bodyRadius deltaV = math.sqrt( (gParam) / (periapsis) ) * (math.sqrt( (2 * apoapsis) / (periapsis + apoapsis) )-1) return deltaV def findDeltaV2(periapsis,apoapsis): periapsis += bodyRadius apoapsis += bodyRadius deltaV = math.sqrt( (gParam) / (apoapsis) ) * (1 - math.sqrt( (2 * periapsis) / (periapsis + apoapsis) )) return deltaV def findVelocity(altitude,periapsis,apoapsis): altitude += bodyRadius periapsis += bodyRadius apoapsis += bodyRadius velocity = math.sqrt(gParam*((2/altitude)-(1/((periapsis+apoapsis)/2)))) return velocity def calculateHohmannTransfer(initOrbit,finOrbit): r1 = initOrbit + bodyRadius r2 = finOrbit + bodyRadius deltaV = findDeltaV1(r1,r2) + findDeltaV2(r1,r2) return deltaV print(calculateHohmannTransfer(-200000,85000)) print(calculateHohmannTransfer(-200000,85000)) The first parameter is the altitude of your initial orbit, the second is, well, the second altitude. Right now it is tuned for Kerbin. Just adjust the bodyRadius and gParam variables to Earth's. I never finished this one, but it works as-is good enough. Only the User Interface would need work. (In fact, it is literally nonexistent. )
  14. Whoah whoah whoah, sir, these are PEOPLE here, we're not in KSP right now.
  15. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-29857182 BBC now. This one's bad, much worse for spaceflight's public image than the Antares just the other day.
  16. Nice! My one regret was that you didn't leave the engines on, even just a little bit, while the rocket was falling. The real one had them on, they just didn't produce enough thrust.
  17. While playing in Hard Mode, I came across a "Test KR-L2 Liquid Fuel Engine orbiting Kerbin" contract. But it wasn't your average contract. The reward? Over half a million (580,000+) funds. And a bit over 1,000 science. (Plus 800 some odd for the outsourced R&D) In hard mode. (Hadn't even landed on Mun yet... might have done Minmus.) I was like, "YEP, I'M FREAKING DOING THIS ONE!" Built a bizzaro craft that went to orbit, tested the engine, brought it back down. (A 20,000 fund payload is a little bit much to just leave floating around... ) I wuz loaded afterwards. What super-high return contracts have you guys gotten?
  18. Starwhip


    Posted again. (It does seem like it could be the Mariokart Rainbow Road level, doesn't it? ) But that's not what I was looking for. Try again. So far I know of 1 other person (in person, not online) who has gotten it, but both him and I share a common ideal which would relate to this riddle.
  19. Looks nice, and I agree with gmpd2000 in saying that it has potential.
  20. Apparently either screws up or just pulls stuff of with incredible skills.
  21. It's programmed in Python. ATM, I have no clue how or if it is possible to convert something like this to a .exe file... but at the time being... Python Download Just copy-paste into a new window once you've got the IDLE GUI open. When you run it it looks like this. Bold areas are inputs. Input Ship Velocity (Percent of c): 99 Input Distance (Light-Years): 42 Observer Time: 42.42424242424242 Ship Time: 5.984675870161271 I also don't know how to set decimal precision You can get real complicated with Python. Let me present a version of Asteroids: import pygame, sys, time, math, random from pygame.locals import * pygame.init() windowWidth = 500 windowHeight = 500 windowCenter = int(windowWidth/2),int(windowHeight/2) ##COLORS BLACK = (0,0,0) GRAY = (125,125,125) WHITE = (255,255,255) RED = (255,0,0) GREEN = (0,255,0) BLUE = (0,0,255) PURPLE = (255,0,255) TEAL = (0,255,255) YELLOW = (255,255,0) LIGHTGREEN = (128,255,128) font = pygame.font.SysFont('papyrus',20) ##CREATE WINDOW def makeWindow(Fullscreen,Width,Height): '''Makes a window''' global Window1 if Fullscreen == 0: Window1 = pygame.display.set_mode((Width,Height),0,32) else: Window1 = pygame.display.set_mode((Width,Height),pygame.FULLSCREEN) ##UPDATE DISPLAY def update(): pygame.display.update() ##SURFACE FILL def fill(Surface,Color): '''Fills SURFACE with COLOR''' Surface.fill(Color) ##TEXT DRAW FUNCTION def drawText(text,font,color,surface,x,y): textobj=font.render(text,1,color) textrect=textobj.get_rect() textrect.topleft=(x,y) surface.blit(textobj,textrect) ##MOUSE CHECKS/SETS def get_mousePos(): '''Returns XY Coordinates of the Mouse Cursor''' x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() return x,y def set_mousePos(x,y): '''Sets mouse at XY coordinates''' pygame.mouse.set_pos(x,y) ##CHECK KEYBOARD/MOUSE def checkEvents(): global rotating,thrusting,antiThrusting,firing,shipVelocity,rotatingType for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: terminate() if event.type == KEYUP: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: terminate() if event.key == K_UP: thrusting = False if event.key == K_DOWN: rotatingType = not rotatingType if event.key == K_LEFT and rotating != -1: rotating = 2 if event.key == K_RIGHT and rotating != 1: rotating = 2 if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_LEFT: rotating = 1 if event.key == K_RIGHT: rotating = -1 if event.key == K_UP: thrusting = True if event.key == K_SPACE: makeShot(shipVerts,shipCenter,shipRotation,shipVelocity) #makeNewAsteroid(2,0,shipVerts[0],shipVelocity) ##DELAY FUNCTIONS def delayS(seconds): '''Stops program for x seconds''' time.sleep(seconds) def delayMS(milliSeconds): '''Stops program for x milliseconds''' time.sleep(milliSeconds/1000) ##PYTHON/PYGAME TERMINATION def terminate(): print("Terminating Pygame and SYS") pygame.quit() sys.exit() ##LINE FUNCTIONS def drawLines(Surface,lineColor,closed,pointlist,thickness): pygame.draw.lines(Surface,lineColor,closed,pointlist,thickness) def drawLine(Surface,lineColor,startPoint,endPoint,thickness): pygame.draw.line(Surface,lineColor,startPoint,endPoint,thickness) ##POLYGON FUNCTION def drawPolygon(Surface,color,pointlist,width): pygame.draw.polygon(Surface,color,pointlist,width) def drawCircle(Surface,color,point,radius,width): pygame.draw.circle(Surface,color,point,radius,width) ##TRIGONOMETRIC COORDINATES def trigCoords(centerPoint,angle,radius): angle *= (math.pi / 180) XCoord = (centerPoint[0] + (radius*math.cos(angle))) YCoord = (centerPoint[1] + (radius*math.sin(angle))) return XCoord,YCoord ##VECTOR FUNCTIONS def findAngle(vector): mag = findMag(vector) if mag > 0: angle = math.acos(vector[1]/mag) angle = math.degrees(angle) return angle else: return 0 def findMag(vector): mag = math.sqrt((vector[0]**2+vector[1]**2)) return mag ##MATRIX FUNCTIONS def movePoints(pointList,pos): pointList2 = [] for point in pointList: point = point[0]+pos[0],point[1]+pos[1] point = int(point[0]),int(point[1]) pointList2.append(point) return pointList2 def scalePoints(pointList,scale): pointList2 = [] for point in pointList: point = point[0]*scale,point[1]*scale point = int(point[0]),int(point[1]) pointList2.append(point) return pointList2 def rotatePoints(pointList,centerPoint,rotation): pointList2 = [] for point in pointList: mag = findMag(point) angle = findAngle(point) print(point) print(mag) print(angle) print() newPoint = trigCoords(centerPoint,angle,mag) print(newPoint) print() return pointList2 ##ASTEROID DECLARATIONS/FUNCTIONS asteroidList = [] asteroid_Large00 = [(0,0),(9,-5),(4,-6),(3,-7),(-5,3),(-2,5)] def makeNewAsteroid(size,ID,pos,vector): if size == 0: ##Small Asteroids if ID == 0: pass elif ID == 1: pass elif ID == 2: pass if size == 1: ##Medium Asteroids if ID == 0: pass elif ID == 1: pass elif ID == 2: pass if size == 2: ##Large Asteroids if ID == 0: pointList = asteroid_Large00 elif ID == 1: pass elif ID == 2: pass newAsteroid = {'Point' : pos, 'Vector' : vector, 'Verts' : pointList } asteroidList.append(newAsteroid) ##SHIP DECLARATIONS/FUNCTIONS shipPoints = [(0,6),(5,-9),(4,-6),(-4,-6),(-5,-9)] shipCenter = windowCenter shipRotation = 90 shipRotationRate = 0 shipSize = 15 shipThickness = 2 shipVelocity = 0,0 SHIPCOLOR = WHITE maxAccel = 0.06 vectorScale = 10 ##FOR DISPLAYING VECTORS!! thrusting = False firing = False rotating = 0 rotatingType = True rotationRate = 0.075 secondaryRotRate = 3 def findShipVerts(Center,shipRotation,Velocity): global shipVelocity,shipCenter,shipVerts if thrusting == True: makeExaust(shipVerts,shipCenter,shipRotation,0,0) newVelocity = trigCoords((0,0),shipRotation,maxAccel) shipVelocity = newVelocity[0]+Velocity[0],Velocity[1]+newVelocity[1] else: shipVelocity = Velocity shipCenter = Center[0] + shipVelocity[0],Center[1]+shipVelocity[1] shipPoint = trigCoords(shipCenter,shipRotation,shipSize) shipRight = trigCoords(shipCenter,shipRotation+135,shipSize) shipLeft = trigCoords(shipCenter,shipRotation+225,shipSize) shipVerts = [shipPoint,shipRight,shipLeft] return shipVerts ##PROJECTILE DECLARATIONS/FUNCTIONS shotList = [] shotSize = 2 shotLife = 90 shotSpeed = 5 shotColor = WHITE exaustList = [] exaustLife = 7.5 exaustScaleRate = 0.9 exaustSize = 6 exaustSpeed = 1 exaustColor1 = GRAY exaustInnerColor = WHITE def makeShot(shipVerts,shipCenter,shipRotation,Velocity): global shipVelocity shipPoint = shipVerts[0] shipPoint = int(shipPoint[0]),int(shipPoint[1]) vector = trigCoords(shipCenter,shipRotation,shotSpeed) vector = vector[0]-shipCenter[0],vector[1]-shipCenter[1] newShot = { 'Point': shipPoint, 'Vector': vector, 'Size': shotSize, 'Color': shotColor, 'Life': shotLife } shotList.append(newShot) #shipVelocity = Velocity[0]-(vector[0]/20),Velocity[1]-(vector[1]/20) def makeExaust(shipVerts,shipCenter,shipRotation,Noise,Type): exaustPoint = ((shipVerts[1][0]+shipVerts[2][0])/2,(shipVerts[1][1]+shipVerts[2][1])/2) exaustPoint = int(exaustPoint[0]),int(exaustPoint[1]) vector = trigCoords(shipCenter,180+shipRotation,exaustSpeed) vector = vector[0]-shipCenter[0]+random.randint(-Noise,Noise),vector[1]-shipCenter[1]+random.randint(-Noise,Noise) vector1 = trigCoords(shipCenter,90+shipRotation,exaustSpeed) vector1 = vector1[0]-shipCenter[0]+random.randint(-Noise,Noise),vector1[1]-shipCenter[1]+random.randint(-Noise,Noise) vector2 = trigCoords(shipCenter,270+shipRotation,exaustSpeed) vector2 = vector2[0]-shipCenter[0]+random.randint(-Noise,Noise),vector2[1]-shipCenter[1]+random.randint(-Noise,Noise) if Type == 0: newShot = { 'Point': exaustPoint, 'Vector': vector, 'Size': exaustSize, 'Color': exaustColor1, 'Color2': exaustInnerColor, 'Life': exaustLife, 'ScaleRate': exaustScaleRate } elif Type == 1: newShot = { 'Point': shipVerts[1], 'Vector': vector1, 'Size': exaustSize/2, 'Color': exaustColor1, 'Color2': exaustInnerColor, 'Life': exaustLife, 'ScaleRate': exaustScaleRate } elif Type == 2: newShot = { 'Point': shipVerts[2], 'Vector': vector2, 'Size': exaustSize/2, 'Color': exaustColor1, 'Color2': exaustInnerColor, 'Life': exaustLife, 'ScaleRate': exaustScaleRate } exaustList.append(newShot) def shipRotate(shipRotationRate,rotatingType,rotating,rotationRate,secondaryRotRate): if rotatingType == False: if rotating == 1: makeExaust(shipVerts,shipCenter,shipRotation,1,2) shipRotationRate -= rotationRate elif rotating == -1: shipRotationRate += rotationRate makeExaust(shipVerts,shipCenter,shipRotation,1,1) else: shipRotationRate /= 1.05 elif rotatingType == True: if rotating == 1: shipRotationRate = -secondaryRotRate makeExaust(shipVerts,shipCenter,shipRotation,1,2) elif rotating == -1: shipRotationRate = secondaryRotRate makeExaust(shipVerts,shipCenter,shipRotation,1,1) else: shipRotationRate = 0 return shipRotationRate def ship_StayWithinBounds(shipCenter): if shipCenter[0] >= windowWidth: shipCenter = 5,shipCenter[1] if shipCenter[0] <= 0: shipCenter = windowWidth-5,shipCenter[1] if shipCenter[1] >= windowHeight: shipCenter = shipCenter[0],5 if shipCenter[1] <= 0: shipCenter = shipCenter[0],windowHeight-5 return shipCenter def doShots(shotList): for shot in shotList: shot['Life'] -= 1 point = shot['Point'] vector = shot['Vector'] point = point[0]+vector[0],point[1]+vector[1] point2 = point[0]+vector[0],point[1]+vector[1] shot['Point'] = point if shot['Point'][0] >= windowWidth: shot['Point'] = 5,shot['Point'][1] if shot['Point'][0] <= 0: shot['Point'] = windowWidth-5,shot['Point'][1] if shot['Point'][1] >= windowWidth: shot['Point'] = shot['Point'][0],5 if shot['Point'][1] <= 0: shot['Point'] =shot['Point'][0],windowWidth-5 if shot['Life'] <= 0: shotList.remove(shot) drawCircle(Window1,shot['Color'],(int(shot['Point'][0]),int(shot['Point'][1])),shot['Size'],shot['Size']) def doExaust(exaustList): for part in exaustList: part['Size'] *= part['ScaleRate'] if part['Size'] <= 1: part['Size'] = 1 part['Life'] -= 1 point = part['Point'] vector = part['Vector'] point = point[0]+vector[0],point[1]+vector[1] part['Point'] = point if part['Point'][0] > windowWidth or part['Point'][0] < 0 or part['Point'][1] < 0 or part['Point'][1] > windowWidth or part['Life'] <= 0: exaustList.remove(part) drawCircle(Window1,part['Color'],(int(part['Point'][0]),int(part['Point'][1])),int(part['Size']),int(part['Size'])) drawCircle(Window1,part['Color2'],(int(part['Point'][0]),int(part['Point'][1])),int(part['Size']-1),int(part['Size'])-1) makeWindow(0,windowWidth,windowHeight) fill(Window1,BLACK) shipPoints2 = scalePoints(shipPoints,3) print(shipPoints2) shipPoints3 = rotatePoints(shipPoints2,(0,0),0) print(shipPoints2) shipPoints2 = movePoints(shipPoints2,windowCenter) print(shipPoints2) while True: fill(Window1,BLACK) checkEvents() shipVelocity = shipVelocity[0] / 1.01, shipVelocity[1] / 1.01 shipRotationRate = shipRotate(shipRotationRate,rotatingType,rotating,rotationRate,secondaryRotRate) shipRotation += shipRotationRate shipVerts = findShipVerts(shipCenter,shipRotation,shipVelocity) shipCenter = ship_StayWithinBounds(shipCenter) doShots(shotList) doExaust(exaustList) drawLines(Window1,SHIPCOLOR,1,shipVerts,shipThickness) ##Draw SHIP ##drawLines(Window1,SHIPCOLOR,1,shipPoints2,shipThickness) ##Draw SHIP ## drawLine(Window1,GREEN,shipCenter,(shipCenter[0]+shipVelocity[0]*vectorScale,shipCenter[1]+shipVelocity[1]*vectorScale),2) ## drawLine(Window1,RED,shipCenter,(shipCenter[0]-shipVelocity[0]*vectorScale,shipCenter[1]-shipVelocity[1]*vectorScale),2) ## thrustVector = trigCoords(shipCenter,shipRotation,shipSize) ## drawLine(Window1,BLUE,shipCenter,thrustVector,2) delayMS(10) update() It's still a big WIP, but I've got the vector logic down, and it behaves just like the ship in Asteroids does. Half of the functions don't even work. (It requires Pygame, which is a graphics library for Python.) Added some code to "pause" (Really a half-arsed solution which when activated simply stopped updating the screen ) the display so I could get this screenshot.
  22. It's spelled Jebediah, you dirty little cheater! (Also, dragons can too type. You don't need thumbs. (Though it is a skill to control-shift-click things...))
  23. Would you like a time dilation calculator? #Time Dilation Calculator import math c = 299792458 #Speed of light (m/s) velMessage = "Input Ship Velocity (Percent of c): " disMessage = "Input Distance (Light-Years): " timeMessage = "Observer Time: " shipMessage = "Ship Time: " while True: print(velMessage,end = "") v = float(input())/100 print(disMessage,end = "") d = float(input()) sTime = d / v oTime = sTime * ((1-(((v*c)**2)/(c**2)))**(1/2)) print(timeMessage + str(sTime)) print(shipMessage + str(oTime)) ifQuit = input().lower() if ifQuit == "q": break I might try one of these things sometime. (Drawings, I mean.) Probably going to be something like a plane or a rocket, rather than a Kerbal, because I suck at anything humanoid. Perhaps based of of this? (It's from Nassault's new movie, Operation Emerald Sunrise [Which is an Eve mission but makes more sense when you see it.]) Really, though, how do you get shots like this with Kerbal Space Program?!?! (Probably a better processor than my laptop has )
  24. Granted. However, the genie that granted your wish came from Soviet Russia, so... "In Soviet Russia, you no conquer Kerbin, Kerbin conquer you." I wish for a bar of chocolate.
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