Dammit, Rune, you stole my idea before I could get it onto the battlefield! I was going to have a modular ship too. But my ships wouldn't pull themselves back together... every ship was going to be made up of 5-10 fighters armed with devastating missiles. Once you hit the ship, it would break into these separate fighters and retaliate, hard.
[Grammar You-Know-What] (I looked at the rules before posting this, I couldn't find anything *explicitly* banning this, but if I shouldn't put stuff like this up just let me know and I won't do it again.) Me is sorry. I'll try not to do it so often.
I never said I was against you. I just stepped in here, don't hate on me Me was just trying to get some good weapons for battles against good ships. (Perhaps great ships... I haven't loaded KSP yet.)
Spartwo, are we still on? Meanwhile, I'ma gonna wreck your Drek, zekes. (And also look up what that means in Google Translate, because I saw that a few pages back.) EDIT: Um, right, that sounds weird now...
Oh, the CJS Revenge? Yeah... It's weakness was that the control core was unarmored, so it was easy to target for a kill. But not all big ships get destroyed in one turn. Not if you armor them good. Look at the Dreks. They're pretty big. You could try to make a similar ship to the Lykotaek class. A heavily armed, moderately armored and medium range all-around good ship. The next edition is going to have guided SRB's with tips like the ones I've seen in the last few pages. The one I'm using against Spartwo has two claws and Vernor thrusters to scavenge whatever it can find.
Frozen_Heart, you seem to take a lot of inspiration from Star Wars. (The Triarii Bomber and the Gladius Heavy Fighter) I don't think I went up against the Centurion Corvette in my battle, did I?
Well, since the riddle has not been confirmed nor denied since the 24th of November (it's now the 29th) it is invalidated by the OP's rules, specifically the 3 day limit. We need a new one again.
After the success of Operation Aurerran Storm, extra reinforcements have arrived! Three new Lykotaek class cruisers, the Fliaek, Areiak and Wvryine. Sphere of Influence: Vall. (In layman's terms, I'm looking for a fight. 150 tons, 3 or fewer ships.) Persistent