Well, the second Silverfish crashed a while back. Jeb survived, thankfully.
See, the challenge lets you replace your rover if and when you crash. Now, the problem is.... the rover is WAY over here:
[spoiler=The Crash Site][img]http://i.imgur.com/j0Hygez.png[/img]
A couple of attempts to send in a new rover failed.
[spoiler=Well, this sucks...][img]http://i.imgur.com/HA3HZwL.png[/img][/spoiler]
And then I manged it.
[spoiler=The Successful Attempt][img]http://i.imgur.com/iHdN1Ea.png[/img]
But I forgot a few things. The ladder was in the wrong place, for example. The headlight was misplaced. And the medium gear? Bad option. :(
So, once again, I send another rover. More like the original one again, except with a few fuel tanks swapped out for structural tanks to add buoyancy.
And so the challenge continues.