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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. It's weird that it is on the border of disorganization and magnificent design. So compact, and functional, yet it has so many parts that it looks thrown together. While also somehow managing to be well-made and unique. I'm having a lot of trouble expressing myself here.
  2. Starwhip


    One staring eye, or a single, uniform foot. My back may be slightly curved, colored red, blue, or black as soot. No hands, nor fingers, but yet I can sense your touch, I control the one which tells of your place, and without me you may not have read so much. What am I?
  3. Is it three now? Back in my day it was five. Welcome to the forum!
  4. Here: [noparse][url="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107190-The-Return-of-the-Lost-%28Macey-Dean-series-inspired%29?p=1674851&viewfull=1#post1674851"]Chapter Two[/url] [url="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107190-The-Return-of-the-Lost-%28Macey-Dean-series-inspired%29?p=1692014&viewfull=1#post1692014"]Chapter Three[/url] [url="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107190-The-Return-of-the-Lost-%28Macey-Dean-series-inspired%29?p=1707138&viewfull=1#post1707138"]Chapter Four[/url] [url="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107190-The-Return-of-the-Lost-%28Macey-Dean-series-inspired%29?p=1735394&viewfull=1#post1735394"]Chapter Five[/url] [url="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107190-The-Return-of-the-Lost-%28Macey-Dean-series-inspired%29?p=1737103&viewfull=1#post1737103"]Chapter Six[/url] [url="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107190-The-Return-of-the-Lost-%28Macey-Dean-series-inspired%29?p=1752178&viewfull=1#post1752178"]Chapter Seven[/url] [url="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107190-The-Return-of-the-Lost-%28Macey-Dean-series-inspired%29?p=1758093&viewfull=1#post1758093"]Chapter Eight[/url] [url="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107190-The-Return-of-the-Lost-%28Macey-Dean-series-inspired%29?p=1776442&viewfull=1#post1776442"]Chapter Nine[/url] [url="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107190-The-Return-of-the-Lost-%28Macey-Dean-series-inspired%29?p=1777830&viewfull=1#post1777830"]Chapter Ten[/url][/noparse] Does this: Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten I'd suggest using it instead of the humongous first post with all of the chapters.
  5. It's only defaulting to "Last Month" in the Kerbal Network, nowhere else. Very strange. Whenever I set it to "Beginning" and switch to a thread or out of the forum, it goes back to "Last Month". I may have missed a "save" button, I'll check. EDIT: It's stopped now.
  6. Well, damn, that's done it. I didn't set that myself, what gives? EDIT: It just reset itself to "Last Month" again!
  7. Starwhip


    A television remote?
  8. 120 part lifter, 54 tons to LKO. Download Kyrian IV HL Subassembly
  9. Hmm... not fixed on my end. I PM'd Kasper, maybe he can fix it.
  10. You've got collision meshes stuck inside your wings there. It's causing what's called "z-fighting", which you can sometimes see in-game. You'll have to manually delete all of the unnecessary colliders.
  11. Why is there only one page of threads? Where'd the old ones go?
  12. Well, technically, 0.90.0 IS "Beta Than Ever", the first update of the Beta phase. The next release will be KSP 1.0, which is EXITING! Anyhow, electric propellers is on my list of wants as well, for all the reasons you listed above. We've got five bodies in the whole Kerbol system with an atmosphere, and only two have atmospheres that jet engines work in. It would be great if we could fly in the others too, without using insane amounts of rocket fuel or fiddling with low-thrust ion gliders.
  13. Hello right back to you. Can't wait to see what you can do.
  14. Starwhip


    Heat or (electrical) current?
  15. I get the feeling that AL has lost some of his programming... *Possible plot-twist noted*
  16. I've had to have stage lock on lately because my thumb seems to want to hit the spacebar all the time... it's strange and uncomfortable. How about you?
  17. 6/10. Love the happy meal quote.
  18. Condor-1 Simple, easy to fly, docking capable Single Stage to Orbit spaceplane. Has around 400 m/s of delta-v left in orbit for all your... well, orbital needs! DOWNLOAD LINK: Condor-1 Crew SSTO ACTION GROUPS: 1 - Toggle Jet 2 - Toggle Rocket Engines 3 - Toggle Intakes
  19. It has the capability! (It's not my turn, just showing off what it'll look like.) I also repositioned the capsule.
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