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mr. engino

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Everything posted by mr. engino

  1. Well, I tested this mod, and I was successful in making a chunky but functional (chunktional?) rover construction base! image
  2. Good to see an alternative to infernal robotics has been created! Now I can rebuild my spacecraft recovery rovers again!
  3. After looking up the farthest satellite in space so far (Voyager 1, by the way), I had wondered about the possible fate of the probe. Evidently, in a few years or so, the RTGs that power the probe will degrade to the point where they can no longer power the systems necessary for both scientific devices and also communications; which leads to this question. Is there a mod that adds a degree of realism to ksp such that the solar panels and generators will degrade in efficiency to the point where they can no longer provide adequate power? I know of a few mods that add something similar (the only one I remember atm is dangit), but I'm only interested in the electrical degradation, not system failures. Also, is there a mod that alters the experiments so that they require electricity to function, just like in real life?
  4. Plans? I don't have any plans, I improvise. My control panel will have several innovative mechanisms for different issues though. Since I found a brick and mortar electronics store near me, I now have another image of my progress; I have now gotten past the pre-pre-alpha stage, and now I'm in the pre-alpha stage! Here is an image of the control panel in its most recent incarnation, enclosure courtesy of Bargain Rocket Parts Inc. Image here. (the red button is abort, the black one is launch/staging, and the switch is my so-called "autodrive" switch; for when you want to be able to drive anywhere without ruining the w key on your keyboard.)
  5. That is good advice. It's a good thing I found my arduino micro; it has the same usb functionality as the leonardo, but with fewer pins and smaller ram. For now, I'm using the arduino joystick library, as it's simple to setup and use. Sadly, that means I won't be able to add a display to my control panel, but I can change that in the future once my familiarity with the arduino rises.
  6. Arduinos are amazing; there is so much you can do with them! Evidently, one of the things you can do is make a customized control panel for your favorite pseudo-realistic space simulation game! And now begins the process of making an idea into reality; my very own space age control panel which will make using my keyboard utterly pointless! This project, and also the control panel itself, will be called the Kerbal cONtrol PANel, or KONPAN, for short. Until it is finished, or I tire of trying to, I will be posting pictures of my progress on this epic project of epic proportions! To start it off, here is a picture of the "pre-pre-alpha prototype" I built just yesterday: image here UPDATE 1: new image of the pre-alpha prototype; now labeled! UPDATE 2: Finally out of pre-alpha and now into the alpha development stage!
  7. I am pleased to announce that after finding what I hope is a suitable arduino library, my custom control panel, which I have thusly named "Kerbal cONtrol PANel [KONPAN]", is now underway! Here's a link to that topic here: Project KONPAN
  8. Thanks for the advice! I was hoping I could get my parts from a brick and mortar store (radioshack, wherefore art thou!?!?), but I guess online shopping will suffice. It's also a good thing I found my arduino micro recently, now that I finally have a use for it!
  9. This is perhaps the coolest thing I've ever laid my eyes on! Personally I was considering building a prop computer control panel, but now I can build one with an actual purpose! A few questions though: 1) Does anyone happen to know where I could find parts for a project like this? 2) How would I hook something like this to the computer? Arduino?
  10. ksp interstellar extended is a good mod don't get me wrong but, I appear to constantly have trouble in setting up a functioning power transmission network. Ultimately it just boils down to me thinking that X will work with Y, while it actually works with Z and not realizing X requires W to work. All I'm asking for is some kind of chart/guide depicting what parts you need for both transmitting and recieving power, and for different wavelengths; perhaps even adding additional info as to which wavelength is better for atmosphere vs vaccum etc.
  11. while I like this mod, I seem to be having trouble with transmitting power; unfortunately the guides both in-game and in the wiki are delightfully vague to me, as I have little idea as what is needed for certain power types. Perhaps you could expand both the guide and the wiki by including some kind of parts list; that also includes requirements for both transmitting and receiving in different power types.
  12. forgot to clarify, I ment the early explorer probes; at least explorer 1. I think I will give fasa a try though.
  13. I do not know if you are planning to add this but, could you please add the Explorer probes?
  14. did a fresh install of the game, and only installed bdac; the guns still don't fire. do I need the weapon manager or something?
  15. is there a mod incompatibility? for some reason, I'm only able to fire the air force laser, nothing else works at all.
  16. thats a tad complicated, but i will try it. was hoping for actual ball joint type hitch though...
  17. I have a suggestion. Could you add a trailer hitch type of attachment?
  18. since hl submersible parts are not functioning properly and therefore unusable, i would like to know which submarine/submarine parts mod is the most preferred. i know of three of them: ballistanks, ballast water tank, and submarine parts. if there is a better one, please let me know!
  19. with this mod, I might have discovered a fun way to deorbit old satellites >;D
  20. so, with that in mind, I guess the best way to fix it is to reinstall the whole thing and try to remember which mods I used?
  21. you can update kspapiextensions. not sure about the toolbar. just hope they release some kind of hotfix or something
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