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Everything posted by AtleSt

  1. it took some time before my thread got comented!
  2. does this work on 22.0? because kerbtown dont work thats why i wondering.
  3. its just hard to tell what planet that represent such as minmus representating titan!
  4. when do the planets gonna get their real names?
  5. hello there in this thread im making nown rockets from the past. 1.Explorer sat big Version http://www./download/6hn0hz59nziqm70/explorer_1_big.craft 2.Explorer sat small Version http://www./download/buwdj1qvqso1u9n/explorer_1_small.craft 3.mercury redstone http://www./download/9tpxqzkksj6x2qx/mercury_redstone.craft 4.mercury atlas http://www./download/q6058uv3k4qpb1d/mercury_Atlas.craft more to come!
  6. aahhhh jou are the best kerbal rocket designer ever! (not the Chase of this rocket) + yuri landed on eva and partibly failed.
  7. i like my rockets but could they be better by putting lahunc Tower under them? please leave a coment. as always: IM NOOT GOD AT ENGLISH
  8. why didn't you make sputnik first!!!
  9. i wish if it didn't lag! im playing on my laptop so i think it gonna go better when i get a better pc (non Laptop)
  10. no im searched for it, and i found out that the proper name was r-5 pobeda.
  11. an old russian missile that im not remember the name off.
  12. i wished somone to do this, because i didnt make it my selv, and i wanted to se what somone other could do. anyways love the details on the ships! and it is a super cool thread!
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