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Everything posted by jsimmons

  1. Just a a Note Nathan SFJackBauer's RealEngines no longer works with the latest MM. You get the following errors. [LOG 18:32:31.187] [ModuleManager] Exception while processing node : SFJBRealEngines/real_engines_rescale/@PART[liquidEngineorbit2] System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
  2. swamp_ig I just tested your RF update and the latest PP on my 64bit Linux system. I saw no problems when loading and testing rockets made with PP/RF in both RSS and non-RSS setups. Will do more extensive testing this weekend.
  3. WOW. Its one thing to create "rings" but another to include real rocks in them.
  4. InfinityArch : I have updated the 10x kerbol config. I attempted to add a slight tilt to each planet but if you don't like the values I used please tell me what you would like to see. dirk: Take a look at the OP page. A 10x kerbol config now exist.
  5. Hi Nathan I just update the 10x kerbal RealSolarSystem.cfg file. Its at the same place as before so all that needs to be done is to update the OP to remove OUTDATED. The current config uses the stock atmosphere properties. At least for now. I have been looking at how kerbal does it default atmospheric properties and the way RSS does it. The basic model that default KSP does is the barometric/hpsometric equation. The problem with this approach is that it assumes that the temperature is uniform throught the atmosphere which is not the case. Now the behavior of temperature with altitude is not well understood so no true model exist for that which explains why you use pressure tables. Well their is the Schuster-Schwarzschild equation that might work. Because the barometric function assumes a uniform temperature this means that the Lapse rate is zero. Now their is a version of the barometric function that does take into consideration of the changing in temperature by using a nonzero Lapse rate. Here is a nice link http://pds-atmospheres.nmsu.edu/education_and_outreach/encyclopedia/adiabatic_lapse_rate.htm that shows the Lapse rates of other planets in our system. At first I will calculate the pressure by hand and stuff it into a pressure curve table but if it works out I like to ask you if we do the calculation in the RSS mod itself. I will study the temperature change as I increase altitude in the game to create the proper pressure table. I assume you can get the current temperature at any altitude. Is that true? Sorry for this being long.
  6. Thanks Starwaster for responding. So it was raw data instead of a formula to compute the atomspheric properties. I will look into a way to compute the atomspheric properties for the kerbal rescale.
  7. Hello. I just started the process of updating my kerbol 10x system config file. The only thing left is to handle the atmosphere but I notice you changed it from the Karman line to some new number. Where did you get that number from? I like to use a formula to properly scale the atmosphere properties. I noticed also you have a atmosphereMultiplier value. What does that do? Thanks for your help.
  8. EggMan360 do you have the config to define containers that can hole resources like water, food etc? I assume you are using the TANK_OPTIONS for this. It would be nice to have a generic storage container that we can fill with whatever we want. With TANK_OPTIONS we can even do combos. Some people like to store water, oxygen and food all in one unit. SwampIg can you control textures based on the TANK_OPTIONS? This way we can label tanks so we know what are contained in them. We will need proper texture labels in that.
  9. Just moved to 0.23.5 with the latest Kerbal Attachement and the problems went away. You were right in that SAS really makes the problem worse. The default values are way to powerful. We really need to create realistic procedural SAS.
  10. Today I sat down to try out the 0.8.1 version of this mod. I have to say it is quite a improvement. Realfuels works nicely with it. I see even a nice GUI interface to access RF with tweakables. Only problem now is lauching a test rocket resulte d in really terrible wobbling and this is with kerbal reinforcement. I mean really bad as you can see here http://www.infradead.org/~jsimmons/badwobbel.png
  11. In some config files I have been working I now see the follow. The same is true for just building a normal rocket: [LOG 18:47:15.196] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ProceduralParts.ProceduralAbstractShape.RaiseChangeAttachNodeSize (System.String name, Single minDia, Single area, Int32 size) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProceduralParts.ProceduralAbstractSoRShape.UpdateNodeSize (ProceduralParts.ProfilePoint pt, System.String nodeName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProceduralParts.ProceduralAbstractSoRShape.WriteMeshes (System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList`1 pts) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProceduralParts.ProceduralAbstractSoRShape.WriteMeshes (.ProfilePoint[] pts) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProceduralParts.ProceduralShapeCylinder.UpdateShape (Boolean force) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProceduralParts.ProceduralAbstractShape.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Do you know what I'm doing wrong?
  12. I see the mass update issue has been fixed as well as a few other bugs. Sawmp Ig could you do another minor release.
  13. This is great. I have been wanting to write some C# code but I don't know how to setup the Unity environment for compiling.
  14. Yes ProceduralParts is meant to be a replacement for StretchyTanks but a few issues need to be solved first. To use ProceduralParts you need to remove StretchyTanks. You will see ProceduralParts has a StretchyTanks zip file that will provide backwards compatibility. As for RealFuel it is not supported by default but you can make it work. First you need to get my ProceduralParts.cfg to install in GameData/RealFuels/Parts. Next you need to remove the TankContentSwitcher module sections from the various *.cfg files in GameData/ProceduralParts/Parts. That should make everything work.
  15. Thanks swamp ig for implementing the stack decouplers. Created a prodecural SAS configuration. You can get it at http://www.infradead.org/~jsimmons/SAS.cfg. Unlike the decouplers when you go to implement the SASTweaker class please don't limit the possible shapes. The SASTweaker class would be the base class for probes and command pods. As for tweakables we have three values for its torque (PitchTorque, YawTorque, RollTorque) which appear to always to be equal but it would be a nice option that users could make them not equal. Much like decouplers we can vary the maxTorque values based on the new shape of the object. Looking at NOVA punch SAS it appears if you double the size of the SAS the torque also doubles. Don't know what the formula would be for real life.The other thing influenced by the torque values is the electric charge. It makes sense that if the torque is doubled that the electric charge usage also would double.
  16. Swamp Ig the way you handle resources under TANK_TYPE_OPTION does not work with ModuleManager. I get the following error [ModuleManager] A node has an empty name. Skipping it. The double braces cause the confusion. resouce { { .... } { .... } }
  17. Since alot of people are worried about their StretchySRB tanks breaking and also I seen people request that ProceduralParts support neither non-procedural rockets. So I have started the work to turn normal rockets to procedural rockets. This is just the start but you can see a preview of what is coming at http://www.infradead.org/~jsimmons/GooeyParts.zip
  18. acc I think you need to modify TankRCS.cfg. In the MODULE TankContentSwitcher section you need to change resourceName to MonoPropellant. You might have to change unitsPerT as well but I haven't tried this potential fix yet.
  19. For people using RealFuels you need to remove the TankContentSwitcher section of TankLiquid.cfg and TankRCS.cfg for it to work. This is for the current download. This will be fixed in the near future. I real hate to see 10 different types of RealFuel cfgs so I thought of a idea on how to handle differnt tank types. Right now with Strechy Tanks you have duplicate tanks to handle different types such as cryo, ballon. Currently the tank models are solid shapes. What if we determine the tank type (cryo, etc) by the thickness of the tank. Instead of a solid cylinder for example we have a larger radius and smaller radius which allows use to hollow out the cylinder. This can also be applied to SAS, decouplers, and space station cores. In fact looking at the circular stack decouplers gave me the idea. They tend to be a thin wheel. Besides cylinders we can apply this to the other shapes as well. This also will allow really fine control of the weight of a fuel tank. Besides weight we could even model true shearing forces which would enable us to simulate true stress failure of the tank. Thicker tanks would be harder to flatten on impact. Sorry I haven't contributed code. I'm a software engineer by trade but I never worked with C# before. Just started to look at monodevelop on linux platform. Can contribute pseudocode for now.
  20. RealFuels: As for real fuels instead of having real fuels be aware of ProceduralParts events we should do like StrechyTanks does which is call ChangeVolume(). if (part.Modules.Contains("ModuleFuelTanks")) { try { ... part.Modules["ModuleFuelTanks"].SendMessage("ChangeVolume", (newVolume)); .. } catch (Exception e) { print("*PP* changing volume, caught: " + e.Message); } } My testing shows RF is smart enough to change mass of the tank as you strechy it for you. Decouplers: The basic stack decoupler was easy. I still haven't figured out how to do a shourd. I'm thinking that the shourd works by using the proper node offset. Currently I'm looking at SAS and heatshields. Both are even easier than decouplers since thickness doesn't matter. All are still missing adjusting properties based on the size of the object. As for shapes of the decouplers we have the classic pancake. The others I have seen are square in shape for radial attachments. Looking for a picture of a real life one but can't find it.
  21. Yes Arrowmaster that is goal. I have started to aim for the low hanging fruit. Things like decouplers, heat shields and such can be handled by the basic shapes we already have. With a grouping of cylinders for example we can create produceral wheels. What is missing that would help us move forward is cubes, hexagons, and octagons. This would help to turn several rover and probe bodies into produceral parts. Also 3D hexagons would be cool. With groupings of cubes and rectangles we could create trusses. You have to create a base cell that you would repeat X by Y times. This would also apply to square solar planes since they are very flat cubes.
  22. After getting real fuels working with Prodecural Parts I now have started to work on prodecural decouplers. I posted a basic config for decouplers at http://www.infradead.org/~jsimmons/Decoupler.cfg. Different size couplers are supported at different tech levels. As you progress in your tech tree you will find the thickness of your stack couplers can be made smaller and smaller. When you can metaMaterials technology I do allow the decouplers to be any size. I don't want to stand in the way if someone wants a 10 KiloTon decoupler Sorry no textures for the decouplers. I like for an artist in this thread to pick that up. Also as we add more parts we should consider organizing the texture maps. Currently the decoupler has a set value for the ejection force and also what direction the force is in. Also it is not a stack separator. For a stack separator you need to set the isOmniDecoupler flag to true. As this mod develops we will need the decoupler settings to be tweakable. It would be nice to control the amount of force and its direction. Also allowing the user to change it from a decoupler to stack separator would be awesome. It would make sense that the range of the separation force be related to the size of the decoupler. This is all for review at this point so feedback is welcomed. Oh I did test it and it works.
  23. Hello Nathan. I like to ask you to include a new configuration in your RealFuels mod. It is for the new Procedural Parts mod that is in development. You can get it at http://www.infradead.org/~jsimmons/ProceduralParts.cfg. Thank you.
  24. Great work on this Mod. So I tried the RealFuel mod with this to see if it would work. It didn't so I tracked down the issue. You need to do two things to make it work. First you need to download http://www.infradead.org/~jsimmons/ProceduralParts.cfg into your GameData/RealFuels directory. Next you need to delete TankContentSwitcher sections of TankLiquid.cfg and TankRCS.cfg. Both interfere with RealFuels. I will push the ProceduralParts.cfs to Nathan to be included into RealFuels.
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