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Everything posted by jsimmons

  1. Yes AVP Interstellar is supported. You can download the modifications pack off the OP.
  2. Sorry to bring bad news but I'm seeing NULL exceptions. AtmosphereObject: AtmospherePQS: OnSphereActive (Filename: /home/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/LinuxStandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug .cpp Line: 56) AtmosphereObject: Clouds2D is now MACRO (Filename: /home/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/LinuxStandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug .cpp Line: 56) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Utils.MaterialManager.ApplyMaterialProperties (UnityEngine.Material material, Single scale) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Atmosphere.CloudsVolume.Apply (Single radius, Single speed, UnityEngine.Transform parent) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Atmosphere.AtmospherePQS.OnSphereActive () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PQS.Mod_OnActive () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PQS.ActivateSphere () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform.OnPreUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PQS.Mod_OnPreUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PQS+^U^K.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) PQS:StartSphere(Boolean) PQS:ForceStart() PSystemSetup:SetPQSActive(PQS) PSystemSetup:SetSpaceCentre() PSystemSetup:OnLevelWasLoaded(Int32) (Filename: Line: 4294967295) Coroutine couldn't be started because the the game object 'TrackingStation' is inactive! Then later I get these errors: Filename: /home/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/LinuxStandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug .cpp Line: 56) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Atmosphere.CloudsVolume.UpdatePos (Vector3 WorldPos, Quaternion rotation, Matrix4x4 mainRotationMatrix, Matrix4x4 detailRotationMatrix) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Atmosphere.AtmospherePQS.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3. Here is a video I created of a flight from the new KSC2 using the latest EVE overhaul. At take off you can see the old KSC2 tower on top of a hill. It returns to land at the KSC2 by flying along the water way that runs through the canyon to very near the KSC base.Sorry no sound. That is me being a newbie with screen casting.
  4. What you have done so far does look nice. Ah yes I have noticed the giant hexagonal sheet. That is why it makes such great stratiform clouds. As for cloud types we have stratiform which is basic flat featureless cloud. So in this case each particle blends into one another. Fog is in fact a stratus cloud at ground level. The classic Cumuliform which is cotton ball type. Those tend to be around 1 to 2 km in length. They also tend to form clusters with a few kilometers between each cell. For storm cells you are looking at the nimbus type clouds which form a nice dumbbell shape. Also to consider are volcanic eruptions. In that case you have a dense cloud stack that has a vertical velocity besides your normal horizontal velocity. I assume at this point you are focusing on volumetric clouds?
  5. I posted a video of the results of the latest checkin to overhaul at . In my 10x kerbol configuration I have two cloud layers. The bottom layer are the cumulus clouds at 2500m and the next layer above is are the stratus clouds at 6km. The idea being stratus clouds are very large flat gray sheets.
  6. Hello rbray89 Sorry I haven't been around but the move of my mod to Kopernicus kept me busy for awhile. I have been looking at the links you sent me and at the function atmofunc() in SphereAtmosphere.shader. From your comments before it sounds like you are using a pressure model for the atmospheric scattering. Your equation kind of looks like the integral solution for the out scattering equation. Perhaps even the in scattering equation. So the question I have is what variables related to the scale height. Secondly your function can be expressed as the addition of exponential function being multiplied by two different variables. One of the variables is expressed as a square root. Is this related to the camera vector magnitude? Last question is link, https://www.desmos.com/calculator/acnjln4w0z shows a nice graph but the axis are not labeled so I don't understand what the units are. Sorry for all these detailed questions but I really want to understand this material instead of randomly turning knobs. Thanks.
  7. Released the new version of 10x kerbol based on Kopernicus for KSP 1.0.X versions. I hope you enjoy this version. I have released fewer packages since several visual enhancement packages are out of date and use things like Kittoptech which collides badly with Kopernicus. The OP page contains details of the changes for this release. As for looking forward we have a few items to look at. 1. What time wrap mod should we support. Currently the extra time warp levels offered by RSS are no longer available. 2. Overhaul support completion. Currently I release a earlier version of Overhaul that had very few glitches. The latest version seems to pretty good except for the atmospheric scattering. I don't know if this is a bug or if the current configuration is broken. I will be looking into it. 3. Need to address a few bodies that are not complete (Gilly, Laythe, and Eve) Once I work out the kinks with the latest overhaul I will be posting a video.
  8. Just to bring people up to date. Thanks to Natan suggestion the planets have been restored to the same state as the 0.90 version. What I did discover is that pre-Kopernicus didn't render the PQS the same way as Kopernicus does so the landscape changed. Kopernicus actually renders more closely to the actually height map than old RSS did. The new surface is in fact closer to my scaled space kebin color map. I had to redo the launch sites which I have finished all but the KSC2 site. I'm still working on that but that is the only work holding up a release.
  9. Do you have KSCSwitcher and ModuleManager installed?
  10. Thanks Nathan. Its a god send!!! For some reason the PQS setup with Finalize renders in a different way than using the other method. Plus the other benefit of Finalize is that I don't have to supply the default height maps for every body thus keeping my mod light weight.
  11. I working on the 10x kerbol port to Kopernicus. I have most of it done but I working on a few final details. For the 10x kerbol series I don't know if I will need RSS. The only thing left in RSS besides the Kopernicus configuration is the time wrapper modifier. I think an external mod exist for that already.
  12. Since RealSolarSysten is going away this would make a nice replacement.
  13. Hi Nathan. While playing with Kopernicus I noticed that a height map is a hard requirement for VertextHeightMap. For my RSS configuration I used to just set the deformity to a new value which altered the landscape. Is their a equivalent way in Kopernicus to do the same thing?
  14. Just to give a update I'm working on moving over to Kopernicus. Just reading the RSS list I discovered another branch exist which might explain why I haven't had any luck getting it working.
  15. Much nicer rbray89. Looking forward to the documentation on the parameters. I wanted to ask you what is the equation you are using for the atmosphere scattering?
  16. Finished up the new 8K Kerbin texture. On the OP page you can see the changes that have happened. The default textures are just plain ugly at scale were the new textures give a much nicer view of the planet Kerbin from a good distance. The new textures have been altered to match the new terrain created from the supplied height map. Lastly the ice sheets at the poles were missing. Now they have been restored. Also the city map for EVE has been altered so population centers will no longer be in the ocean. I will be releasing the new zip files shortly.
  17. Sorry I haven't been active on the post but the reason is I'm working on a 8K texture kerbin based on the alter height map. One of the most jarring things is when the landscape changes drastically when going from PQS to scale space. In the next release that will go away. I hope to have something ready this week end.
  18. Yeah rbray is back!!! Can't way to try this out on my 10x kerbin work. BTW to help balance you out what is needed is more people to get involved with code. Right now I'm working on redoing the kerbin landscape but once I'm done I will be asking you questions about your code.
  19. You can get the latest Overhaul itself at https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/tree/Overhaul. After that download the 10x version for Overhaul. For the 10x version the improvements I did was make kerbin's sky the correct color and fix the fading of the atmosphere. I did this for all the atmosphere planets. Only Eve still has the white horizon issue. Also note that I make Laythe sky a yellowish smog color since it is a cryovolcanic world.
  20. Another update. This time I uploaded the correct normal map for Kerbin. Added remote sites that map to the kerbin side tracking stations. No kerbin side yet since RSS is not supported with it. Using VOID showed I messed up the atmosphere limits. Now that is fixed. More beautification of the Overhaul version.
  21. I believe that is due to floating point imprecision. I don't know of a easy way to fix it. I have seen capsules that landed sink into the ground.
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