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Everything posted by jsimmons

  1. I have a suggestion I so been wanting for a long time. Procedural 2D cloud maps generated based on turbulent flow. Also make the clouds travel in an elliptical path like real clouds do with trade winds (via hadley cells.)
  2. Will that help with the missing font issue? As for the other problem I found work arounds in the linux compatibility thread. It appears Unity 5.2 doesn't know how to query the screen resolutions so it get confused and sets the resolutions to things like 1920x0. So you have to go into the Pref file and manually set it. Still have the missing fonts but I managed to test this mode with out them. I found the missing font issues to be a common problem. Sigh. Hello folks. Release 6.1.0 has been released. If you plan to use the visual enhancements you will need to use Scatter 0.0245 since earlier version has the ocean rebuild problems. Also EVE 1.1 is needed as well if you want clouds. As for features its at the same level as the previous release. Just with newer versions of everything. Enjoy.
  3. Sorry about the delay of the release. Currently I'm finding that the latest KSP 1.1.2 version is not very stable on linux platforms. I'm seeing lots of RenderTexture.Create failed: requested size is too large. [ERR 12:58:18.966] HighlightingSystem : UpdateHighlightingBuffer() : Failed to create highlightingBuffer RenderTexture! Also for the case of the 1 in 20 start up attempts that KSP does starting running no fonts show up. I have tried the various work arounds but those haven't worked for me. So sorry I haven't been able to get this out. I hope this issues will be resolved soon.
  4. Quick question. Does the terrain manager work?
  5. Just to let people know I'm working on updating this for KSP 1.1. Currently a bug in Kopernicus is delaying the release. Thomas reports a fix exist and will be release with Kopernicus 1.0.1
  6. I found the reason for the crash. I removed windowIVA.cfg. The code doesn't seem able to handle the config file missing.
  7. Ugh. Your latest development code is exposing a bug in my graphic's driver. I found the issue even with your default setup. I guess I need to wait for a update before I can continue testing :-(
  8. Hi rbray89 I just started to test your latest development work and have found a strange issues. Just using your configs file I renamed BoulderCo to Visuals and changed the configs. That worked. When I moved Visuals into GameData/10xKerbol and updated the config files when I go to launch a vessel the game crashes really hard. It locks up my machine hard. I have the Player.log at http://www.infradead.org/~jsimmons/Player.log. I hope this is the proper place to post results when testing the latest EVE or is it the development thread that I should use?
  9. Hello. I'm looking to add CKAN support to my mod and the question I have is about optional support mods. What is the best way to handle this? Can CKAN pause and ask the user if they want to download these optional mods?
  10. Yes, it has 4 launch site about 90 degrees apart. Each of those launch sites also act as a Deep Space Network sites. Also I added a bunch of tracking stations around the planet Kerbin. The Deep Space Networks expand out to the edge of the Kerbol system while the tracking stations have very limited range, only in the Kerbin system. Nathan are the pressureCurve's tangents normalized, i.e the tangent values are divided by the atmosphere pressure at the surface? The re-entry for Duna seems a little to strong currently.
  11. Figured it out. Also posted a demo video of the launch. Got a lot of sound feedback, sorry.
  12. Does anyone know how to change the image background on spacedock.info. I like to change it from the default background to something nice.
  13. 10xKerbol version 6.0.0 has been released. You can get it on spacedoc.info. Its updated to work with the latest scattering and Eve mod and the look is very beautiful I must say. I have started the work to update the atmosphere's of the planets based on real world physics. You can read the 10xKerbol.cfg file if you are interested in the math being to used for this. I found what was distorting Kerbin's surface. For some reason with the latest Kopernicus I had to change the ocean level by 300 meters. Now that we are back to where we started I like to cleanup the main KSP center's location. Currently the KSP is located on a peninsula with a very large bay behind it. This doesn't match the look from space of the location. My thinking is the bay is too big, which I experience from flying around, so I think I need to shrink it a bit. What do people think?
  14. I use Realism Overhaul with my 10x kerbin system so no requirement for RSS. P.S I see no more KerbalStuff :-( I guess I will need to place my next update on curse.
  15. The reason for the exact 10x scale was to allow players to redo their mission done at stock scale at the 10x scale. When I created this mod that is exactly what I did. I redid all my missions I done at stock scale with the new 10x scale which was a lot of fun . The planet rotations were also scaled (sqrt(10)) to perserve the ballistic profiles with stock. This is why Kerbin has the 19 hour day. This lets users still have the same feel as stock when moving to this scale. Yes the atmospheres need to be redone. Since I'm a realism junkie I have been working on creating atmospheres based on real world physics using the composition that FAR defines. Now if you play with the physics you see very different behavior tun stock. For example Duna's atmosphere is much thicker (200km +) even with it's lower density. Now the planet Eve has a much thinner atmosphere due to the higher gravity pulling the gases much closer to the surface. So for Eve you have a very dense atmosphere very close to the surface.
  16. That sorted out the confusion. For RSS earth is done correctly but for some reason the other planets with atmosphere pressureCurves 3rd and 4th fields are different.
  17. Thanks Nathan. I will look into that shortly. Currently I'm filling in the pressureCurve for Duna but I'm making a mistake somewhere with the 3rd and 4th field. I took the derivate of the isothermal based pressure equation (yes it is valid model since the atmosphere is very thin) and used those values but I get this seesaw motion for the atmosphere gauge. Is that the correct way to figure out the 3rd and 4th field?
  18. Nathan where is documentation on these CKAN setups? Thanks, I have been better. Sorry about the delay on the release folks but for some reason the terrain is now rendered differently. I just fixed up the KSC center but all other locations are totally rendered differently. Also I noticed the what height maps are rendered has changed. It seems you can now form lakes and rivers inland by not setting the area to sea level but what difference are in the neighboring pixel for the height map. I might still do a release but I'm going to remove all the other launch sites until they are repaired.
  19. Hello everyone. Sorry I was away but it was allergy season which is always bad for me. I see a few people ask why I don't use CKAN or Kerbal Stuff. The reason was EVE 7.4 configs needed to be updated to handle the speed of the clouds from the default stock size. Since I supported multiple packages I didn't see a way CKAN or Kerbal stuff could handle so many configurations. The good news is now that a new EVE which supports RSS out of the box is released this means future EVE setups will work out of the box. I do still plan to create my own configs to handle the real physics properties of the atmospheres but those will be optional. Since this is the case we can collapse the configs down to one set. I will begin working on updating to the latest scatter, EVE.
  20. Hi rbray89 I'm starting to take a crack at contributing to this project so I have been working to get this to build on my linux box and have run into a few issues. First Unix systems like MacOX or linux are case sensitive. Could you rename the following: renamed: EveManager/EveManager.cs -> EveManager/EVEManager.cs renamed: EveManager/EveManager.csproj -> EveManager/EVEManager.csproj renamed: EveManager/IEveObject.cs -> EveManager/IEVEObject.cs After that I have a few changes to the *.csproj to make it portable. - - - Updated - - - Trying to make a black ocean? Try the values I use which makes for a realistic ocean color. terranMaterial -> _OceanColor = 2,5,18,255 oceanMaterial -> _SurfaceColor = 38.64.89,255 Also the _OceanColor closely matches the value I use in the KerbinColorMap.dds used in my Kopernicus setup. It makes the transition from PQS to ScaledSpace less jarring.
  21. Pete have you ever built EVE Overhaul on Linux? I just started the port process but I was hoping you have something to make it work to save time.
  22. No problem. So the assumption is 1340 W/m^2 at the home planets orbit which is fair since I calculated the star Kerbol to deliver that power to Kerbin. In reality the stellar output is equal to the star's surface temperature to the fourth power. - - - Updated - - - Done. I added that info to the OP - - - Updated - - - Sorry I haven't been posting but currently it is allergy season for me so this time of year is not the best for me. Currently I'm just playing KSP but I expect the end of October I will back to updating this mod.
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