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Everything posted by tychochallenge

  1. i am getting the same issue except i use FAR but not KW
  2. i'm using ATM for a new career yet even after a few minutes in game, when i switch from a building like the VAB to the Space center screen, the screen turns to rainbow colors and shortly after freezes. I'm only using default parts plus a couple of ram-consuming mods (ksp interstellar, cloud pack (astronomer's interstellar), MkiV spaceplane, 1/3 or NFT, and 1/2 of Trans-Keptunian pack from KopernicusTech). The other 30+mods are either plugins or mods that add 1-5 parts. The amount of ram in the ksp folder is 3.7Gb, which should be sufficient, yet ksp is freezing after just minutes of gameplay.
  3. Will this include ksp interstellar (the v.90 hot fix) soon? If it is, i will literally delete my save and download this. Also, will removing B9 aerospace change anything drastically? Thanks in advance.
  4. that is a (fairly) common issue, usually, what i do is either revert back to launchpad or revert to VAB and then launch again
  5. regarding your problems, i think kittopiaspace gives some instructions for its in-game editor (includes stuff on revamping atmospheres and planet textures but I'm not sure about oceans) but there is not much else i can do...
  6. Goblin Kerman XD Chill Kerman and Kerbin Kerman
  7. Also, do you plan on adding SCIENCE (and science reports) for the planets? I could help with the descriptions.
  8. awesome! Also, it looks like the atmosphere of Prominatus is green like jool's instead of the expected blue tinge. I think this can be solved by either messing with EVE or kittopia tech
  9. you could just edit the distances to make them more realistic... Also, is this planned to support Kopernicus when it comes out? My mac is pushed to the limit even with ATM, so there is no way i am running PF on my computer. I heard Kopernicus would be much more memory-friendly than PF.
  10. This. This was what i have been looking for for about 1.24 years!
  11. i am having a very similar problem. Whenever I launch a probe, the camera slowly starts to drift away from my vessel until i can't even see it anymore in normal view.
  12. Guys, just found out that all issues are solved when DMagic is updated to its latest version (10/20/14)
  13. strange, i removed DMagic but now clicking on the buildings in the space center does nothing... when i reload a save, i can't switch to another vehicle...
  14. there are no excuses for an awesome mod like this GET TO WORK
  15. I think Moho is my favorite b/c its the body i have least explored so far, varied and exotic terrain, and the moholes
  16. Use Active Texture Management if you're having problems with memory, ATM will drastically reduce the amount of ram in 'part' textures that the game loads. With ATM, i can run 64 mods (most are either plugins or mods with a couple of parts; save for B9 aerospace, KSPI, KW, better atmospheres) simultaneously (at low terrain detail and half-res) without crashes! (although the game does get a bit laggy sometimes and occasionally freezes for 20 sec before continuing). I, myself have used the Trans-K pack and it is awesome but i think the problem is not with trans-k but what it depends on (namely, planet factory since it is no longer being updated (for at least half a year now)). But a replacement (Kopernicus) is being developed and i have heard that (some) of the PF mods will be restored with Kopernicus. Haven't heard of trans-k though
  17. right now, something similar is happening to me, in addition, i can't rotate the view in the VAB or SPH. All other buildings are fine though. Going to single out 1 of my 64 mods now...
  18. Edit the Sentar .cfg page on textedit/terminal (for mac) and change the reference point tom 'Sun' to 'Kerbol' so Sentar will orbit 'Kerbol'. In this case, 'sun' used to be kerbol in stock game, but now 'kerbol' represents the home star. With star systems, 'sun' is now the black hole
  19. well unfortunately, tree loader is broken (for now), but i chose stock tree when i played with interstellar and i got the end-game nodes just fine. Going to check out nfp next. Also, near future and ksp interstellar can work together (nfp engines can be powered with kspi reactors) but i recommend going either one or the other (for the sake of balance) If you like the op, powerful engines, fusion/antimatter/warp, or high-tech nuclear/tech that is still not fully understood (basically sci-fi), interstellar is for you. If you like cool new fuel types, ion/plasma/nuclear engines, cool new solar panels and modern/near future stuff (90s to 2030-40), use near future
  20. For some reason, the effects don't show up, even with the latest version of this and module manager
  21. Welcome to the community! The game tutorials provide a lot of help, but they are modestly outdated, and there isn't a tutorial for everything. I recommend watching Scott Manley's videos as he has a bunch of tutorials that are REAALLLLYYYYY helpful. Just ask me if you need any help
  22. This mod has some serious potential.... Also, id like more caves/ possible interiors of the added buildings from this mod? Also, easter eggs. We have known about the cave on Tylo, but... its not really a cave.... Let's support more extra planetary caving!
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